chapter one

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6:25 am.

My I phone want off.


My phone went off as I woke up slowly.

May- no I don't want to wake up.

Cc- sis wake up plz mommy want's you.

M- k I'll be down in a bit.

M- I hate you school.

Let me just say something about my self I hate my life ever since my parents divorce I live with my mom and my dad lives ALONE in side I was dying but I didn't want any one to know so I fake everything I don't have any friends and when I post pics on Instagram I don't get any likes and the worst part about it is that my crush don't even notice me.

As I stumble out of bed I feel so depressed like I should end my life.

When I go get dress I had a to post something on my Instagram so I did and decided to wear something PRETTY.

When I go get dress I had a to post something on my Instagram so I did and decided to wear something PRETTY

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M-thats how much likes I get just from something pretty.

I made my way down but I had to rush out the door or i would be late.

M- bye mom

Mom- wait.. we need to talk

I made my way out the door I started to check my phone and someone texted me

Text convo

??- hey let's meet up at school.

End of convo

M- what the fuck

I though to my self who is he and how are we suppose to meet at school if I don't know were his school at.

By that time I was at the entrance of the school and when I saw all of the students there I started to get scared idk why.

I walk into school and everyone was staring at me like they never seen me before and they all did even my crush looked at me and the bad boy's looked at me to.

M- oh my god

Everyone- wow is she new.

(Mind POV)

What the fuck know one knows me but I was here last year maybe I should wear PERTTY stuff more I'm finally happy for some reason.

(End of mind pov)

M- (mumbles) ok...ok just stay calm

I kept talking to myself and bump into some one I couldn't believe my eyes.

To be continued...

Hi this is the author of the book and this is my first wattpad so plz read to the end thx see you 😊😊😊

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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