Chapter 1

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A delightfully gentle breeze, carrying with it the warm rays of a mid-afternoon sun, caressed the lounging physique of a damp, oversized canine. If there was one thing that I had learned over the course of my two-year life, it was that a windy afternoon mixed with a water-logged coat was unbeatable in all respects. Soft sand shifted beneath my belly and paws as I stretched my front limbs to their limits, the muscles beneath my double coat practically sighing in contentment. The stretch was followed by a blunt yawn, droopy jowls stretching and large teeth revealing themselves for the duration of the release. Taking advantage of my head being tilted upwards due to the yawn, I gazed at my human perched upon the lifeguard stand that seemed to reach towards the clear sky. As if feeling my gaze, the blonde twenty-two-year-old glanced down over her shoulder, hazel orbs meeting liquid brown.

"How ya doin' girl? Hot?" the familiar voice questioned, a gentle smile adorning her lips. She lifted an arm from the armrest of her wooden chair and ran slender fingers through her bleached tendrils, wincing as her fingernails scraped the newly burned skin of her part. Why had she so carelessly forgotten her hat this morning?

I tilted my head in response to her question. Perhaps the fact that my tongue was tucked securely within my mouth would reassure her. The floppy pink appendage only made an appearance when my body was attempting to cool itself down. To be quite honest, I couldn't be more content than the present. Shade extended from the lifeguard stand to engulf my body and a nearly constant breeze easily wove its way through my thick coat.

Cassie, my human, seemed content with my silent answer and her gaze moved forward again to survey the immense beach that was my territory. I did the same, breathing in my surroundings. I perked my ears forward at the familiar sounds of small humans squealing and laughing, along with the occasional directions from their parents. I took note that a new family was making their way down towards the edge of the ocean, specifically the father that was dragging a red cooler through the sand. Coolers were always filled with snacks and goodies. I'd have to be sure to greet the newcomers before my human's shift ended.

"Oh, my goodness! You're so beautiful!"

I craned my neck to the left and quickly placed where the squeaky compliment had come from. A young teenage girl, accompanied by a boy the same age, regarded me with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. In response to her words, my tail thumped repeatedly against the ground, stirring up the sand. I glanced back quickly at my human, and at her "ok" release word, I hopped up from my lounging position and trotted over to greet the pair. The girl's hands instantly entangled themselves within my neck fur, massaging down to the skin. I stretched my nose towards her face, waiting patiently for her to get close enough for a kiss.

"Watch out, she might kiss you to death," Cassie commented from her place on the lifeguard stand.

Nice human, why do you always have to give away my intentions? Thankfully, the girl heard Cassie's comment too late and I was able to plant a big kiss across the entirety of her face before she could back away. A light chirp of laughter followed my antics. After wiping the slobber off her cheeks, she returned to massaging my neck and ears. A groan of contentment erupted from deep within my chest.

"It's okay," the teen commented happily. "I love dogs. What kind is he?"

Again, really? Why did the two-leggers always assume I was a he? Regardless of her mistake, I continued to let her knead my ears, now accompanied by her male companion's hands carefully rubbing down my back. I leaned into the touch, my full weight braced against his thighs.

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