Size Issues

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Size issues.

I retired to the employee break room, ready to take my lunch for the day. It was nearing 1:00 p. m. and I didn't want one more person to ask me, "Is so and so item still in stock? Why isn't this piece of clothing on sale like it is online?" And the dreaded question, "Where is the bathroom?"

I opened the door, quickly moving to rest on the small leather couch. There were a few other co-workers in here with me. Most went about their own business. Carien, though, a middle-aged woman who was the closest person to being my friend in this place, walked over to sit by me.

"Long day already, Sarah?"

I ran my hands through my black hair. "You can say that. Had to deal with an unruly customer."

Carien stood up as the microwave in the corner of the lounge dinged. "Sorry, my food is done." She walked over, flipping her blonde hair as she stood up. She pulled out a container with a small piece of roast that she had brought from home. She then walked back over to me and sat down beside me. She said, "Go on," looking at me with her blue eyes.

I stood up, heading for the fridge. "They were demanding that I allow them to use a coupon that wasn't even for our store." I pulled out my meal from home, just an apple and some nuts. "They wouldn't have it and were becoming overly angry when I kept telling them we don't accept it, and they didn't have enough money."

Carien gave a slight chuckle as I sat down. I could smell her food, and it made me feel like I had the lesser of the two meals for the day. "Some people."

I nodded. "So, do you have any plans after work?"

Carien rolled her eyes. "I have to take my brother to the eye doctor. He needs someone to drive him home after he has his eyes dilated."

I sighed. "Ahh, sounds fun."

"Meh. I would rather just spend my afternoon going for a run or getting online."

"Ya. So you can lose more of your time in that online shooter."

"Look at who is talking. Between your time at your tabletop group and the multiple role-playing games you play, I'm surprised you get out."

I smiled. "Well, that is where the fun is."

Carien laughed. "Well said." She pulled a bottle of blueish looking liquid out of her purse.

"What is that?"

"This?" She held up the plastic bottle. "I picked it up on the way to work. It looks like some new flavored water. Fredrick's Sparkling Water. I don't know.

It came with the candy bar I had before I started my shift. I am not one for flavored drinks myself."

"Mind if I look at it?"


I took the bottle out of her hands. I swore I had heard that name before somewhere, but it was escaping me at the moment. The bottle looked like any other cheap plastic with the label "Fredrick's Sparkling Water. Expand your horizons."

I tapped my finger on my chin. I was trying to think back to about a week ago. I had met a weird salesman with the same name who pushed some odd joint relief product on me. I ended up taking to much of it, and for 24 hours, I ended up with an extremely long neck.

I wondered if this was made by the same person. It had the same cheap design and cheesy lines.

Carien suddenly said, "You can have it if you want."

Size IssuesWhere stories live. Discover now