chapter 1

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katie was sleeping when her phone goes off it's her boyfriend she looked at the message she frowned getting up and changed no one else knew she was up she fixed her hair pulling it up into a hight ponytail curling her hair and bangs she almost got burnt she let her hair down curling it again she put on some make up she skipped breakfast and left after wrighting a note when she got there she hopped off her bike waiting her boyfriend was late as can be the teachers and principal seen her sitting out there on the ground the prinicpal didn't see anyone else so she went to the door "ms, katie holt why are you so early?" she asked  katie looked up "my boyfriend wanted me here four mintues ago i just got here 3 mintues ago" katie said the princpal let her in katie got a text she looked at it she read it she put it up "go eat something we will let your parents know your here" she did she went to the gym and sat at the top of the bleachers and waited few mintues she's out the principal walked in she seen katie at the top coner sleeping she called mr and mrs holt they came Katie's teacher told them that sometimes katie would come in early with a note from her last peroid teacher that she was sent early sam and colleen followed the principal to the gym they seen katie asleep with her hair curled colleen asked if katie could stay home so they could keep an eye of her the principal nodded "but talk to her about her boyfriend she said when she firsted arrived he wanted her to be early we don't why but i seen her come in burised and bleeding who ever is hurting she clearys fears i don't want any of my students harmed" the principal said katie started to stir she sat up straight she seen her parents she walked down the steps they heard movements looked to where she was sleeping and didn't see her she smiled "hi mom hi dad" thye looked they seen her "are you okay" colleen asked "yeah im fine" the teachers seen the time "katie go get your bags your staying home today" she looked at them "why i'm not sick" her boyfriend walked in he seen the holt's parents "hey katie you look good? did you curl your hair?" he asked she looked she smiled "yeah do you like it curled?' she asked he smiled "i love you for you and yes i like it" he said she smiled her parents seen katie happy to be around him "oh yeah sorry about the text my little sister was up so i let her play on my phone i didnt realize she texted that until a mintues ago" he said she smiled "it's okay i wanted to get here early anyways" she said he seen her parents looking with the teachers he kissed her cheeek she smiled "i love you katie" he said she smiled "i love you to" her parents told her if she felt going home to call them she told them okay katie and mason sat at the top he let his act down he looked at her she was playing with her skirt "will you stop being so annyoing around people?" he asked she looked up she thought she was a good actor 'i wasn't trying to" he seen no teachers watching he smacked her in the face she looked to the right she seen a new kid walk in the girl had seen the smack happpen "s-sorry m-mason" she said scared

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