Chapter 1

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The new beginnings start today, being back home in Jersey for the holidays just feels great. Chicago just isn't the same, deep dish just sucks ass compared to our pie back home. But maybe I missed more than just the pizza. Just before school started Mike and I took a break... a very long depressing break. He decided to only visit California for a few months before returning back home, I tried to convince him to stay out there and keep doing what makes him happy but it was clear that California was his favorite taste of water. Being on the East Coast is where we all belong. Just maybe it's quite different this time around, as in he moved on a little bit faster than expected. She is a very beautiful girl, just a year old than us but just one thing he didn't know before he introduced the two of us through a FaceTime call, her and I don't get along. Not one bit. But Mikey seems happy with her so I decided to keep my mouth shut and pretend that I never even knew her, didn't know her name or what she did for living. She's just not someone who I would want my best friend dating. Especially when she's nothing but bad news.

"Are you ever going to tell me what I did wrong?" My step brother Brayden and his girlfriend once again fighting on an early morning. I turned down my music just a tad and slightly opened my door just to hear this afternoons argument. Last time it was about him forgetting that he was suppose to go to lunch with her parents. Though I am not one to really judge but... she is very toxic, these arguments are very out of pocket. "Stop fucking touching me!" He yelled followed by a loud gasp and a cry from her. And this is when it all started, a physical fight between the two of them. I wish I can say this is the first time but it hasn't been, I put on a shirt, not really caring about pants at this moment and ran downstairs. I went straight into his room and saw her beating on him, my brothers know better than to lay a hand on a female. Pushing her off, I made sure to keep her off even if that meant her and I got into it.
Beating on each other, not expecting her to have hands I made sure that she knew not to lay hands on my brother or myself ever again.

Upsetting nearly everyone in the house, my Dad of course was not in my favor on this one.

My knuckles were bloody and busted and my body had random bruises coming to surface. "When will you learn?" My brothers wife had said as I showed up to their doorstep with a bag in my hand and whatever clothing that was on my back. Back in Chicago wasn't really my sort of fun. The schooling and education was fun but the people there... just are not Jersey people. The countless times that I got into bar fights with some idiot drunk or with randoms on the street, nobody has a sense of control when it comes to females wearing something that makes them feel comfortable and confident. "When Jonah leaves me to rot in a cell over night." Maia, my brother's oh so wonderful wife and I have never been too fond of each other. She uninvited me to their wedding because the 'trouble' I had got in to back at school. But we manage... I guess
"What's going on Elle? Why the sudden urge to be on the opposite side of things?" I laughed at Jonahs question the moment it had skipped out of his mouth like a little girl playing hopscotch. "You leave for a whole semester and come back this rebel kid? It makes me worry." Shaking my head, "Be happy you haven't got a phone call asking you to identify the body." Not making the wife too happy, she got in my face telling me to respect my brother so she was going to lay hands on me. This made me laugh way more harder than expected. "Respect? Cause you know so much about respect." It had got silent faster than what was expected. "Didn't you cheat on my brother during his deployment?"

That was the last straw anyone was having with me, instead of kicking me right out I got a slap to the face. Clearly not phased, I am completely numb to this type of behavior. Jonah sat there and did not say one single word, watched as it all went down. "Don't forget, you begged me not to tell him. That it would break his heart. But look at you, still on your same bullshit." Now it was time for round two.

After hours of walking, my feet lead me to the last place and person I would like to be asking for help but I am here. I sat on the steps waiting for them to come home, my phone is dead and my jacket was no longer doing the job of keeping me warm. The wind started to pick up and my body started to shiver, "Elle?" The pitch of their voice had me regret even thinking that this was a place I want to be right now, I picked up my head and looked at him. "I have no where else to go." My eyes watered, now really thinking twice about being here. She showed up right behind him clearing her throat. Dropping my head back down, wiping my eyes and nose, I reached for my bag and apologized for showing up uninvited. Just before I was able to grab my bag, it was picked up from the ground. "Get up it's late and the snow is getting heavier, I don't need you roaming around and something happening to you. Come on." Getting my frozen joints to work I slowly stood up and looked at him, he gave me a soft smile. I always knew Mikey would be there for me when I need it.

"So you're just going to let your ex girlfriend sleep down the hall from you? Even after all the history you guys have. She left you Michael. She did YOU dirty and you're just going to let her just stay here?" Hearing their whispers as I sat down at the top of the stairs, like a child who is witnessing their parents argue about paying the bills, I buried my chin in between my knees really thinking about this. "If you think I'm just going to kick her out and wonder where she's going to sleep tonight because you're insecure about our past relationship then maybe you should leave." Making my way down the stairs quickly, I stepped in. They both looked at me, confused and probably worried after seeing my face in this lighting. Trying to figure out what I'm going to say it all had just came out, what I was really feeling about this. "Mike it's fine. I should've thought twice about everything. Plus, if it makes Kamry uncomfortable then it's only right if I leave." She crossed her arms and looked at Mike as if she knew that something was going to happen between the two of us once she left. Leaving the two of them to talk, I went back upstairs to change out of my warm clothing and into something more reasonable.
Looking through my contacts, trying to see who would be the best person to ask for help was the only person who would take me in no matter what.
"You don't have to leave you know." I turned my phone off and placed it face down on the bed. He opened the door wide enough so it doesn't make anyone in the house feel uncomfortable while the two of us are in here alone.

Just as I was about to answer my phone rang, he pick it up and read the contact name. Letting it go to voicemail he shook his head at me, "I make your new girlfriend uncomfortable Mikey where else am I suppose to go?" I asked in an aggressive manner. Nothing came from him other than a head shake and a scoff. "Anywhere but his house."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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