Didn't know she was a Queen

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Whenever she walked in a room people would pause, men would stare and women would glare she would began to feel shy as if she was bare, she was a Queen and didn't know it.

She was soft spoken most thought that she was extremely meek. They miscalculated some even though that she was weak, but she was a Queen and didn't know it.

She was different and didn't care. Most people are followers but she wouldn't dare. She stand alone if need be. She was always mindful on her tone and deliverance when she speaked. She was a Queen and didn't know it

She tried to dance a couldn't find rythm, in return that began to make her feel glum, it also made it hard to find and keep chums. They would naturally flock to her any way and her hips began to seductively sawy. She was a Queen and didn't know it

Her beauty was impeccable, and when you fell prey to her charm it was hard to let her go. She was a Queen and didn't know it.

She was the  most powerful piece on the board, could move any number of unobstructed squares in any direction.
She also was surrounded by many that would die for her protection. She was a Queen and didn't know it.

Her eyes could see into your soul, and her mind was wise full of wisdom to behold. She was a Queen and didn't know it.

Her mother was a Local figure who loved her jewelry, diamonds and pearl she conducted herself in a royal manner and passed the torch to her only daughter who began to wear Ruby's and furs. She was a Queen and didn't know it.

Surrounded by so many haters, false friendships, relationship, and jealousy she still to bloomed. Her light still shined more than haters could even assume. She was a Queen and didn't know it.

She had a Grace about her that was God given. She was humble and sometimes forgiven. Her ambition soared because she was so driven she was a Queen and didn't know it.

As most women where drawn to her just to compete they always seemed to fall short because there just some expectations they did not meet she would find herself puzzled as she would look upon their faces that was filled with defeat well she was a Queen and didn't know it.

As life went on she glided into her queendom Starting to feel more confident, more, wise, more loving, and more strong. She realized that fear held back her greatness and what naturally belonged.  She is a queen.

Those who forsaked her, mocked her, disregarded her, and those who didn't care will now bow to the throne as this Queen has finally took her chair. See she was a Queen a didn't know it but I knew that some day she would. She finally took a good look in the mirror adjusted her crown and somehow understood. She is a queen you see.

I was a Queen and didn't know it, but now I see. I was a queen and didn't know it, it was there and always ment to be, I am a Queen yes I know it, and all belongs to me.

Their reaction to my very presence and my ability to only be me helped confirm this is just who I was meant to be I am Queen and I know it I am now in my place I am a Queen and I know it, I have to give thanks to Gods grace.

She is a queen

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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She was a Queen and didn't know it.Where stories live. Discover now