Mel's Mission by: Midhorse

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"So ummm, why are we doing this again?" a girl asked.

"Cuz if we don't all mankind may be in danger. Duh." replied a boy.

"Oh. Do we get to check on it later, to make sure we sent it to the right place?" the girl said.

"Yes, Pen, of course we will," the boy said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

They were standing in front of an extra large mall. It was all dark inside except for the left front window which had glowing red eyes in its center.

"Ben, why do you have to be so... so... well, mean sometimes?" Pen said while reaching for the launch button.

"Because you state the obvious and it's annoying!" Ben replied.

"No, I want to press the button!"

"Ha ha, too late!" Pen said half a second after she pressed it. There was a bright flash that lit everything on the dark street, and the building was gone.

"Do you think anyone is going to notice that it's gone?" asked Ben.

"Hmmm, well considering the fact that it's a giant building and everyone knew it was full of man eating spiders, I'd say yes." Pen teased.

Ben looked at his watch. It was 9:32. "Ahh man, I got to go. We're having meatloaf pills for dinner." Ben said sadly.

"Okay. See you... 10 o'clock tomorrow for lunch?"

"Yep, bye."

They went their separate ways.

100 A.D.

Mel decided she would go in. She had been sitting in the trees for hours watching the strange building. Nothing had changed. Should she tell Henry, Jackie, and Will about it? Yes she should. She may be good with knives but she could use extra protection. Plus, this was supposed to be their lunch day. Her friends were also waiting for her farther back in the trees. Mel crept slowly back to her friends. They had been talking excitedly, for they had much to catch up on, but quickly quieted down when they saw her grave face.

"What's wrong Mel?" asked Jackie.

"Are you okay Melosia?" Will asked, he was the only one allowed to call her by her full name, hoping for a good answer.

"Guys I'm sorry, but our lunch is canceled. We have a mission." replied Mel, "and yes, Will, I'm okay."

"And I'm not going to like this am I?" wondered Henry, "I was so looking forward to lunch!"

"Yes, Henry, we all know how much you love to eat, but there is a strange building just out of the trees and it's not like anything I've ever seen!" Mel said. "I think we should check it out."

"Well, you're good with knives. Why don't you just go?" asked Jackie.

"Well I think I may need extra protection. Jackie, your skill with the bow would help. Will, your skill with swords will help. And Henry... your skill with, ummm, knocking people out could help." said Mel.

"Oh yeah, just because I'm a little fat you think I can sit on stuff and knock them out!" Henry said a little hurt.

"No that's not what I meant!"

"That's what I would have meant." laughed Will.

"Hey!" Henry said, very much more hurt.

"Guys are we going or not?" asked Jackie. She's always been the peacemaker.

"Yeah." said Will and Henry, while glaring at each other.

They all crept through the trees and paused in the tree line, wondering what to do. Then Mel led the way up to the building. The building, Mel guessed, was almost as big as a large castle, though not nearly as high. It was made of glass and some gray substance - kind of like stone (concrete). It was colorful and had posters made out of some kind of paper. Henry went up to a poster and said in a spooky voice "I am getting a message from the future! This strange language is called Englishhhhhh."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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