Chapter 1

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Carolines POV:

I'm so tired that I can't even keep my eyes open, every limb feels heavy. My body feels like its missing a piece of a puzzle, craving for that missing piece to come back to me. Sadly, after pondering for many months, I had no idea who or what possessed my missing piece. Everyone thought this whole "thing" was just a figure of my imagination, that I was just making up everything. I know my "thing" they called a problem was real and that there really is a missing piece of my heart waiting to be filled. Depression consumed my life, anti-depressants solving only a small fraction of my deep drowning darkness. It never seemed to end, few days out of the year I would feel the dark clouds lift and the sun peak over the newly white clouds. Next day, the feeling of drowning returned with a fierce vengeance. Never ceasing its rain, I lived in the never ending gloomy days of what I called my life.

I lay on my back, my redish brown hair, with a tint of blond, cascaded like a waterfall over my pillow. My brain was working at fast pace, new thoughts racing through my head each passing minute. I heard the door lock click, but I made no effort to move a muscle.

"Caroline I have news for you." My best friend Star said. She creeped over to my bed, soft creeks arose from the old floorboards. Next I felt the weight of a person laying on my chest making it hard to breath.

"What do you want Star....." I breathed out, the feeling of air leaving my lungs and not returning washing over me. Her bright red hair hung over her face, as her nose piercing caught the rays of the light.

"I know your all sad about this whole thing we talked about...but I just bought three tickets to a concert and I want you to go." She tried her best using the puppy dog eyes with her pleading voice to go.

"No, you know how I get with big crowds, I don't want to have a major panic attack." I pushed her off of me and sat up across from her. My hair fell in front of my eyes, picking at my painted black nails.

"I'll make sure your safe, my boyfriends going to so he will protect you. If we get to gate everything will be fine. I'm not taking no for an answer."

I rolled my eyes in protest, but I knew I wasn't going to win the argument. "Fine!" I sighed in exhaustion. "I'm wearing that crop top and jeans you have thought." Star pulled me off the bed and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"I don't care! Keep the damn outfit, I'm just happy your coming! You might even find that special guy." She wiggled her eyebrows, making some sort of kissing face at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed her out of my room, flipping the lock so she couldn't get it. Running my skinny pale fingers through my hair, I started getting dressed for the concert I was attending soon.

Mattys POV:

My eyes fluttered open to meet the top of my bunk in which I was laying in. Muffled voices came from the kitchen area and banging coming from cabinets being closed, but I disregarded it and went back to thinking. We had a show to play in a few hours, I really wasn't looking forward to wanting to play this show. My heart ached for no reason, it pounded for something trying to guide me in the direction of what it needed. I'm so depressed but I have no clue on why I am, I never was like this as a kid. Only a few given days of there year I became somewhat happy, it only happened when I perform in this state. I'm so tired of waiting, exhausted from feeling sad all the time. The fans have noticed my long term emotions, my shows are less energetic, I rarely smile and only a chuckle or two slips out here and there. I wanted to get better, but I don't know what to do to make me better.

"Matty we're on in an hour." Jake Garland, my drummer, said pealing back the curtain, my only blockade from the world outside.

"Alright." I let out a long deep sigh, swinging my feet over the edge of the bed. Jake gave me a sympathetic look before retreating back to the guys who huddled in the living room. I found some clothes in the back, throwing them on and slicking my hair back. Dull eyes stared back at me through the mirror, taunting the happiness that lay deep deep down in my body.

I grabbed an iced tea from the fridge, joining the guys for the walk to stage left. Sleeping With Sirens walked down the other side of the hall, Kellin going in on stage right to help me sing Miles Away. All I needed to do is perform this last show and go back to laying around depressed.

So there is chapter one of my new fanfic Miles Away. I hope you like this chapter so far, I decided to post chapter one now to give people something to read. Anyway please vote, comment, and share to get this story out there.

Miles Away (Matty Mullins Fanfiction) {ON HOLD}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon