Nendo Jotai - Character Introduction

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So this is the idea I have for a MHA oc that I plan on using in some stories I plan to write. I haven't been able to draw any good artwork for him so if anyone actually reads this just imagine this

Name: Nendo Jotai ( 粘土状態)

        - I do not speak a lick of Japanese, sadly. I know that Horikoshi usually has meanings in characters names that correlate with the characters quirk/personality/physical traits so I just said to hell with it and put "Clay State" into google translate :0 Yeah I know. "What a dweeb" but this oc has been through several different variations with several different thought out names but for now I just decided to go with this bc honestly it's hard coming up with a Japanese name with a subtle meaning when you don't know any Japanese at all. Forgive me :( 

Height: 175cm / 5ft 7in

Hair color: Light Brown 

(has long chin-length hair and an undercut. Usually it's down but when training or in his hero costume he puts it in a short ponytail while having some still loose in the front.)

Eyes: Green

Likes: Heavy Metal, Acting, 


Jotai is adopted under his two dads. One Is a tall, long-blonde haired Ex-American who loved Metal music as a kid, and is the reason why its Jotai's favorite. He has a quirk called "Scan and Play"- by watching someone else play a song on an instrument he is familiar with, he can play it exactly like that person. As you can guess, he is a semi successful musician and he and Jotai love playing instruments.

The other dad Is a short-black haired, quirkless Japanese man with glasses. He owns a restaurant in the neighborhood where they live. He is a little more reserved than his more excited counterpart but is still enthusiastic about his two sons. Speaking of...

Jotai has a younger brother, also adopted, who loves heroes with a passion. Because of this, Jotai wants to become a hero he can look up to.

Jotai is a very energetic person who is ready to meet new people and make friends. Most of the time he will say whatever comes to mind, no matter how dumb it might be.However, he can get serious if the need arises while still getting a quip in here or there. He was always a metal head growing up thanks to his dad and that could be a contributor to his energeticness. He also really likes acting. Ever since his junior high did a play one time, he's always wanted to give it another shot

(Also, depending on what scenario I feel like writing about, he could either be in Class 1-A or 1-B)

                                                            Quirk Synopsis

Quirk: Clay Formation- He can turn various parts of his body into a clay-like substance, allowing him to mold his body into various shapes/forms.

(Literally imagine DC's Clayface or Marvel's Sandman. He can turn his arms into something like a mace, hammer or even something like a blade. Also he can mold his body to look like other people, although because when he's in "clay state" his color stays the same (Light brown/tan), he won't be fooling anybody with it. HOWEVER. He uses this molding ability as part of two of his ultimate moves I've thought out that also pull a Horikoshi and are inspired by Western comics)-

First form: Maximum Carnage- He molds his body into this alien looking creature (has yet to be drawn) with sharp teeth, a long, thin, slender looking body on all fours, and long sharp claws. The usage of this form is to allow him to move quicker and attack faster.

Second Form: Lethal Protector- Using the same technique as before, he molds his body into a bug muscular monstrosity. (Imagine If the Venom symbiote bonded with Abomination from The Incredible Hulk movie) This form is used to increase strength and power.

Third Form: Symbiosis- this form requires another person. What he does is he molds himself onto another person giving that person enhanced durability, provides protection in blind spots, and can also enhance a quirk if compatible. I.e. If he were to mold onto Kendo, he could add claws to her "Big Fists" for example and block incoming attacks from behind.

-Now there are three steps of this "Molding State". It kind of goes like this. Regular/Human body->"liquid" clay state(imagine Clayface)-> solid/hardened state. That's the order his formation goes in; Beginning-> Middle-> End and then the opposite to reverse. In the Middle/Liquid state, he is pretty much unharmed by all physical attacks. However, large scale vibrations can prevent him from moving to the hardened state. His hardened state isn't at the same level as Kirishima or Tetsutetsu but it's durable enough to withstand attacks. However, consistent heavy damage can hurt him even when he returns to his normal state.

All in all, his quirk is pretty versatile, but is not inherently overpowered. The only limit is his training and imagination on how to utilize his quirk.

Sorry about the info dump, but this is also for me so I could get all my ideas down on paper

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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