hurricane alert

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I was at home preparing a meal for my grandfather. Beep, beep a sound came from the phone. Beep beep the sound came from the phone again I gazed at it. It was a message alert about a hurricane named '' helpful test'' at a category 6 level. Persons were batoning down their windows, running in the street going to the grocery store and cutting trees near the house.

At the moment I was plotting the garden as the lightning struck the tar-black sky. A "meow" sound echo from the hills.

Suddenly the rain came down" phut, phut, phut "
the sound ripen nut makes when they hit the ground.
It was like a Toyota car at its maximum speed of 180km/h. my ears felt as if they were burst.

The trees bend, creak and squeak as their limb falls to the ground and leaves not confetti but like ammunition in the air.
Little streams raced through the empty street, with her chocolate brown hair.

I became petrified because my grandfather who is visually impaired and I was home.

A sound came from the back door, it was an old man named Charlie barefooted in a cloak with a stick asking for shelter, I opened the door let him inside and prepared something for he and I to eat. 16 hours and the rain were still here.
" Tingy. Lingy. Ling, my phone began to ring it was my mother asking if I was alright and that the road was blocked so she will not be able to come home until in the morning.

The next morning I woke up persons were cleaning up their yard, and fixing the damage caused by the hurricane....

Charlie was terrified and confused as he opens his eyes "no it was not a dream the hurricane was here" I said to him.
Later that day the road was clear and my mother has arrived, We all sat laugh and ate.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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