Pt. 1

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Claire's POV:

Rain. The rain poured down into my eyes and soaked my clothes as I tried to sprint to my workplace and get there on time.

I was running super late because my alarm that I had set on my phone didn't go off due to me forgetting to plug my phone in last night.

As I continued to run, my black flats trying to slip off of my feet and my clothes starting to chafe in places they really shouldn't, I swiped my short blonde hair out of my hazel eyes, this rain was already making it hard to see I didn't need anymore distractions.

My lungs burned and I knew that they would soon start to give up because of my asthma but I couldn't stop. If I was late my ruthless boss, Joshua, would fire me on the spot. He's always had it out for me and this would be the perfect opportunity to finally get me out of his sight.

Losing myself in my thoughts I didn't realize I was sprinting straight towards someone, I guess they didn't see me either because I crashed right into them knocking both of us to the ground.

I looked over at them, panicked, and then I saw it was a woman with long black hair wearing a very expensive looking suit.

My eyes widened and I rushed to help them up.

"I'm so so sorry!" I exclaimed as I picked up their umbrella and placed it into the attractive strangers ringed hands. I took a quick assessment of the person I had ran into. It was a woman who looked to be about in her mid-twenties like me, she was wearing a very expensive looking suit with multiple rings on her slender fingers and some shiny, black stilettos on her feet, her midnight black hair was let down in wild tendrils which framed her sharp face perfecrly. She didn't seem to have any makeup on but she had no flaws that I could see. Her cat-like brown eyes gazed at me curiously and I snapped out of whatever trance they had me in.

I blushed nervously and said, "Okay, uhm, I would stay longer but I'm very late for work and if I don't get there in.." I glanced at my watch, "SIX MINUTES! I have to go, I'm sorry again!"

And with that I continued to sprint to the building that I could see at the end of the block, splashing in puddles and pushing through groups of strangers.

3rd person POV:

The mysterious woman who still stood on the sidewalk stared after Claire and smiled softly thinking, her, I need to have her.

She turned on her heel and continued on her way thinking of the cute little girl she had ran into and wondering when they were gonna meet again.

On the other side of the block, however, Claire clocked into work, panting and out of breath. She had no idea that bumping into a stranger on an early, rainy morning would effect her future greatly.

Okay this is super duper short and I'm sorry but future chapters will be longer, I promise!! Is this good so far? I really want this story to come out good so I'm gonna work really hard, okay? Okay! So let's do this thing!
Until next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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