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          The dim glow that Troy's phone gave off was enough to make his eyes start to ache once a few hours passed. The brunet let out a yawn as he let his phone fall flat. He lifted his arms up, screwing his eyes shut as he let out a small yawn, tears pricking the corners of the freckled boys eyes. The male soon sat up as his eyes slowly darted around the dimly lit room. Troy ran his fingers through his hair with a small sigh as he got up, walking into the kitchen after plopping his phone into his hoodie pocket.

          Once in the kitchen, the boy looked at the clock. "9:45 pm.." The boy mumbled in a soft tone, following with a soft sigh. Just as the brunette reached to get a glass from the cabinet, he heard a loud yell of annoyance from upstairs. Troy's mother was currently re-doing college online. Even when she wasn't working, she never really took care of her son, nor her daughter. This caused her kids to feel almost neglected, as their father was constantly out on business trips as well. Troy was the main parental figure for his younger sister of age eight. Troy himself being sixteen years of age, he had a lot on his mind. The freckled brunet was busy with school as well as the work that it provided him, taking care of his younger sibling, keeping his social life alive, even if it was only barely, the boy was trying. Troy let out a soft sigh as he took two glasses from out of the wooden cabinet, soon filling the cups with ice and water.


         Once done, he felt his phone begin to buzz within his pocket. The brunet put the cups of water down gently and reached into his pocket, taking out his phone shortly after. Once seeing who the caller was, the boy gave a soft genuine smile. It was Norman. Norman was Troy's best friend and always had been. The two boys had been through a lot together, causing them to grow very close over the years. Once sliding his thumb to the right, accepting the call, he was greeted with Norman's cheerful sounding voice.


          "Hi, bud! I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow? I was gonna ask earlier but I forgot." The pink-haired boy stated with a small, lighthearted laugh. Norman was definitely an interesting person. The boy had bright pink hair that was shaved on the sides to show his natural brown hair, then curly bright pink hair on the top. Norman was a tall boy for his age of 16, about 5'9 with hazel-ish green eyes, his looks definitely fit his personality. The tall male had braces as well as a set of black snakebite piercings below his bottom lip. Other than that, the boy had a few ear piercings.


          Troy himself was a shorter person for his age. He was around 5'5 at the age of 16. The boy had many freckles on his nose, cheeks, and shoulders as well. The freckled boy had a light brown hair color with one small piercing on his nose, which was a black stud on the right. The one unique feature that the boy did have was a pair of two different colored eyes. The boy's left eye was blue while the other was brown, giving him a very interesting look at first glance.


          The short boy let out a soft laugh as he playfully rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, I'll come over at 11 tomorrow, got it?" Troy stated with a smile. While talking to the boy, a weird sensation always occurred within his stomach. He always felt a slight tingling sensation, though it wasn't bad, just a bit odd he assumed.


          Within a moment, the brunet held the phone away from his ear, feeling a scratching feeling in his throat made him lean over the sink, coughing into it. The coughing lasted for a good minute before he finally was able to stop. Though, once he did stop, his eyes darted to the one bright item that was seen laying in the sink. It was a bright pink petal. While the boy stared at the flower petal, his heart began to race. He knew that petal, hell everyone knew that petal. It was from a cherry blossom tree. Once seeing the petal, he hung up the phone. Troy stared down at the sink in disbelief. "No.. N-no.. I'm fine.. It probably just got blown in by t-the wind.." The boy mumbled to himself, trying to make sense of the situation. After a while, the brunet just sighed and chose to ignore it.


           While walking through the hallway, he stepped into his sister's room. Seeing she was still awake forced the boy to let out a quiet and soft chuckle. Troy walked over to her and handed her one of the glasses of water. "It's bedtime Eve, ya know the rules." The brunet chuckled out softly.


          Evelyn nodded with a smile, following with a soft giggle that managed to escape her lips. "I know!" The brunette chirped out with a bright smile. When witnessing her brother turn the light off, the dim glow of her nightlight kept the room visible.


          Soon, within the hour, Troy was in bed after getting ready for the night. The boy let out a soft sigh as he closed his eyes, eventually falling asleep.

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