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The large golden door of King Xavier's castle was suffering incessant pounding. With every blow, it shuddered, cracks developing on its golden surface. Dozens of guards moved into position, their spears glowing with bright silver light. The tormentor must have been strong because the door blessed with the King's magic was on the verge of breaking.

Watching this from a window, fifteen-year-old Scarlett turned and walked inside her room. She picked up her golden spear and gripped it with determination.

"Princess Scarlett, please put this on."

Scarlett found her maiden, Agatha holding a silver breastplate. She gestured for it to be put atop her black dress. There was no time to change into something battle-friendly, certainly no time to get into a full set of armor. Just a breastplate was all right, she thought. When she was done, Scarlett placed her hand on Agatha's shoulder.

"Now, hurry to the secret chambers and hide with the others."

King Xavier and Queen Adeline, the rulers of the Sky Kingdom, entered Scarlett's room, battle-ready, silver breastplates on top of their royal attires made of soft, golden fabric. Scarlett could sense tension on their usually calm faces.

"Scarlett, you should go to the secret chambers as well," King Xavier said.

Scarlett shook her head. "Father, I am old enough to fight," she declared, striking the stub of her weapon on the ground.

Xavier looked at her with pride, but then worry shrouded his face. "You have no idea what our enemy is capable of. You are too important to die, Scarlett."

Adeline stepped forth. "Xavier, I will cast a protective spell on her." She placed her hand on Scarlett's head and muttered an incantation. A bright silver light emerged from her hand and enveloped Scarlett's body. Adeline's jet black hair glistened as she proceeded with the spell. Scarlett felt a mysterious energy wash over her. Then, the light faded, and Xavier sighed.

Adeline leaned closer to her daughter. "A part of my soul will stay with you forever, Scarlett. It will help you in moments of danger, my dearest baby." She kissed her on the forehead and smiled ruefully.

Xavier walked to the window, frowning. "Tristan must be killed at any cost. I know it's difficult, but we must try our best."

Adeline walked to him. "I will do anything it takes to kill him," she muttered, squeezing his shoulder.

"I will kill him with my spear," Scarlett yelled, frustration clear in her voice. Adeline turned around.

"Tristan is dangerous. Do not let him see you, Scarlett. If things go bad and Tristan kills us, I want you to go hide in the secret chambers."


The golden door that protected the castle crashed to the floor.

The culprit finally revealed itself. It was a giant lion with glowing green eyes. It had claws as large as a fully grown man. On top of the lion sat a well-built man with obsidian skin. His wavy red hair and green eyes made him appear menacing. His dark green armor and green crown made him look otherworldly. A green diamond was etched into the center of his forehead, glistening as it pulsated with power.

Xavier sighed as he spotted Tristan through the gaps in the trees surrounding the castle. "Adeline, proceed with the plan," he muttered and moved away from the window.

Adeline took a last look at Scarlett and jumped out the window, diving right into the bushes of the royal garden. Scarlett gasped as she ran to the window and looked down. Adeline had vanished.

SCARLETT: LOST IN THE FIVE LANDSWhere stories live. Discover now