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Ashley and Arianna we're just your average 17 year old girls. They were best friends, but polar opposites. Arianna liked multiple bands, Ashley liked multiple boys. Arianna rode a skate board, Ashley drove a convertible. Arianna played guitar, Ashley played Piano. Ashley ate too much, Arianna ate too little. Ashley hated getting hurt, Arianna hurt herself.

But somehow, their friendship worked. They lived together in a small apartment complex. They would post covers of songs on youtube and go to concerts. Arianna loved the music, Ashley loved meeting guys. That was their Friday routine. Go to concerts, hear good music, meet cute boys, and repeat. They liked the way their lives worked. It was perfect harmony.

Until one Friday night. One look, just one look was all it took to change their lives.




It's me Ashley!!

And me Arianna!!!

We're both internet Best Friends yeah👍

We were talking one night, then came up with an idea to make a fanfic and join together to make FINDING YOU!!!
YAYY. No one will probably read it but IT'S FUN TO WRITE AM I W-RIGHT?! HahahahahhaHAHAHA We're funny.

Anyways. We'll be updating idk. But yeah. That's all! BYEEEEE


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