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One day u will say " I look ugly today " when u really look pretty/handsome
One day u will say " I am worthless " when u are not worthless at all
One day u will say " No one loves me " someone does love u but they are afraid to show it
One day u will say " I am a bad friend " when u are a really good friend
Love like you'll never be hurt
Sing like there's no one there
Dance like there is no one watching
Live like heaven is in earth
Don't be shy to show your true self , if u show your true self ppl will love u more than they love u right now
Love yourself
Take care of yourself
Every day is a new day so when u made a mistake that day u can't go and fix it , that why u have to think before u speak or do things
If you are gonna cut your self say to yourself " is it really necessary to cut my self"
Or say " why am I doing this why am I doing the wrong thing ppl love me I am great"
I care about your life
If u ever feel like cutting your self don't never do that instead go outside and scream as loud as u can and as hard as u want , when you scream outside no one can stop u cuz it's environment and it's the outdoors so u can scream as loud as u want
You don't need a therapist cuz u are smart enough to stop cutting yourself or harming yourself . Try to not cut or harm yourself for 3 weeks and u will never cut yourself again I told u ALREDY if u want to cut yourself scream as loud and as hard as u can but make sure u scream outside
I love u and remember that I care about u and other ppl u don't even know care about u too TAKE CARE
I LOVE U ALOT 💙💛💜💚❤️💖💕🙌

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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