Spring's Sweet Kiss

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A/N: Hello Everyone!!! This story will be presented only in the reader's pov. I also have a multi-chapter story published on my account. It is another Edward x Reader if you are interested. Please note that if you do read it, the writing may be cringe since I wrote it several years ago. I hope you enjoy the story <3

Another note: This story is a bit fast paced so I apologize for some lack of detail and the time gaps. 


     It's been 2 weeks since I had been to school. Not for any extreme reason. It was winter break. It was also a break from him. The him I'm referring to is Roy Mustang. Breaker of hearts and White Lily High's very own bad boy. I should have known it wouldn't end well. We had been together for almost a year when he told me he wanted to end things with me. We broke up the day before winter break. I've had 2 weeks to heal and I've come to the decision I won't date until after I'm done with school. 

   I feel like I'm being reasonable with myself. High school boys are a waste of time. All they think about which girl they'll get laid by next. That was probably the overall reason why Roy stayed as long as he did. He thought he could force me into things I wasn't comfortable with. I guess it took him 11 months and 3 days to realize he wouldn't get anywhere. I have nothing against having pre-marital relations, but the girls in my class becoming pregnant are enough birth control as is. I'm also very awkward when it comes to things like that for myself so I don't bother with the subject at all. 

   I get up from my bed and look at the time. I had an hour before the bus arrived so I opted for a shower before school. Usually, I take them the night before but I needed a fresh start to the semester. I hopped in and felt the warm water run down my body and allowed myself to relax. Closing my eyes, I allow my thoughts to disappear.




   I open my eyes and shut off the water quickly. I pull the shower curtain open and grab my towel. Looking at my phone, I realize I had 20 minutes until the bus came. I mentally slap myself and practically jump out of the bathroom. Rushing to get ready, I pull out my favorite knitted sweater and leggings. I quickly yanked the brush through my hair and styled it how I usually did. Sliding on my flats, I look at myself in the mirror. With 10 minutes left until the bus came, I put on some mascara and lip gloss. I usually didn't wear make-up but, as stated before, I need a fresh start to the semester. On my way out, I yelled to my parents that I was leaving and grabbed an apple. 

   Stepping outside, a chill ran down my spine. I sped walked to the bus stop and saw my best friend Winry. She has her blonde hair pulled up with a hoodie and sweatpants. We both nodded our heads to each other as a way of saying hello since it was too cold to talk. As the bus pulled up, we climbed in. The bus ride from my stop to school took about 30 minutes. Winry and I shivered to keep warm as we waited to arrive at school. Once pulled up, all the students ran in the building to seek warmth. Winry and I followed close behind, heaving a sigh of relief as we feel the welcoming warmth surround us. 

   "So...How are you, (Y/N)?" I hear Winry ask. Looking over, I can see her eyes full of concern. I instinctively shake my head and turn my gaze towards the cafeteria full of students eating their breakfasts. 

   "I'm honestly fine. Roy just turned to be a dick. End of story." I tell her, avoiding eye contact.

   "Yea. I mean- you are what you eat" I hear Winry snicker at her comment and I roll my eyes in amusement, knowing full well what she meant. 

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