A World Of Blue

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Midoriya POV:

I stretched my scarred arms to the sky, to be more accurate, the ceiling. The room was still gloomy, still boring, still blue.

"Izuku dear! Time for breakfast!" A high pitched chirpy voice called from the floor below. "If you don't get down here I'll throw water on you-!" She shouted jokingly.

I smiled at her attempt to be funny, and got myself ready. Pants? Check. Shirt? Check. Backpack? Check. Am I ready? Double check.

I waddled down the steps as my nose was met with a scent of pure bliss. "Mom.. I swear your the best cook!" I scarfed down some eggs and bacon as she got herself ready.

"You ready?" No. I'm never ready for school.. "Izuku, your mumbling again." She said with a smile.

"Ah, sorry mom." She grabbed my hand pulling me towards the front door. We both entered the car as she turned the key in the ignition. The old Chevy rumbled as it started up.

Time skip cuz I'm lazy XP )

"Thanks!" I jumped out of the car, ready to start my first day of high school. I smiled to myself as I approached the light blue doors.

As I reached for the handle I was pulled backwards.

"K-k-kacchan!" The spiky haired boy smirked, amused.

"How do you get into a school like this, Deku? Ya cheat or something?"

"N-no-! I'd never cheat!"

"Ya right. Just move." Kacchan shoved me away from the doors. I have to deal with Kacchan? All year..? Alright. Calm down Izuku, the chance he's in the same class as you is highly unlikely. Unless this school system is somehow rigged...

"The school system is rigged-?" A dark blue, most likely brown, haired bubbly girl bounced up to me. My face immediately flushed.

"N-no- I just- sorry.."

"It's okay! I'm Ochaco Uraraka."

"Izuku Midoriya!" The girl smiled before looking at my hand. Her smile faded as she glanced at me worriedly.

"Where's your ring?" Dang it.. I must've forgotten it.

"I forgot it." I said wearily, scratching the back of my head.

"I see," her smile returned as she grabbed my arm. "Let's go in together, yeah?" I nodded as she virtually dragged me inside.

Todoroki POV:

"I'm leaving." My sister, Fuyumi, hugged me tightly resting her chin on my head. "Sis, I have to go, it is the first day of school after all."

"Yes, yes, I know. I just don't want to see my baby brother leave me." Even though she was still smiling, the hurt was evident in her eyes.

"I'll be back after school, sis. There aren't dorms." At that, her face perked up and her smile became genuine. "I will leave now."

"Gahh! I miss you already!" I couldn't make myself smile for her, and when I tried I ended up getting laughed at. I wave silently walking out.

Time skipp )

I parked the car as far away as possible, and stepped out into the world of blue. I padded towards the entrance setting my hands inside my pocket. When I neared, there were two boys. One was being picked on by the other, I would've liked to intervine, but I short girl stepped in.

Oh well, it's none of my concern anyway. After the two teenagers walked in, I trotted in behind them.

Midoriya POV:

Turns out Uraraka and I have the same class: 1-A. Talk about fate! We were at the vending machine when the 2nd bell rang, class starts on the 3rd bell, so we hurriedly rushed to the classroom.

I walked into the classroom shyly I didn't look up, just kept my gaze to the ground until I got to my desk. As I sat down, I examined my classmates for the year. They all looked so... exotic! I smiled to myself, no Kacchan! This is going to be such a good year! When the third bell rang, a tall, slender man walked in groggily.

"Why isn't everyone here-?" His voice was deep, and he looked strange. I'm fine with that though.

"Serouisly? Where is Bakugo?" Ha, funny joke. There's no way Kacchan is in this class.

"I'm here bitch." Sure enough, a slouchy spiky haired boy strutted into the room.

"Watch your tongue. Go sit behind Midoriya." I slumped down in my seat, far, far down. "Midoriya. Sit up." I quickly sat up as I felt my body tense up. I have to sit in front of Kacchan... all year... What did I do to deserve this cruel punishment?

Seconds after Kacchan bursted in, a tall handsome looking boy walked in. My eyes followed him to his seat. How can a guy be that good-looking?! Okay. I forgive the universe; if this guy is going to be in 1-A all year.. I could get used to seeing that face of his.

Time skip! Tiz lunch time~)

"Izuku, is it okay if I call you that?" I nodded as I ate silently. "Before you deny it, do you think the guy over there is hot?" Mina whispered next to me smiling. I looked up confused, but when I followed her finger, she was pointing towards the handsome guy who came in late. Not Kacchan. The other one.

"D-do I think he's hot? I mean.. He's good-looking, yeah." Mina smirked as she got close to my face.

"You're adorable!" She laughed to herself as she retreated. I was flushed and confused, what just happened? "Wait a minute. Izuku, have you ever dated someone?" My eyes widened. What??

"N-no??" Mina cupped her chin with her hand nodding in affirmation.

"I knew it! You're gay!"

A/N~ 936 wordss :P kinda short. Next one will be longer! (maybe)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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