Part Four ~ Protector Protecting

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It was about four in the morning by the time Winona had finished her note. She was completely in shock that she wasn't in the middle of a panic attack by now, but she had already been feeling so numb that at this point it didn't bother her one bit that she wasn't panicking. But this same thought kept occurring in her mind, "Maybe i'm not supposed to be here after all." Well at least that's what she kept telling herself and the more she did that, the more she was ready to end things, completely.

Winona had ripped out her letter making sure to leave it on her kitchen counter, so when someone found her, they would have a clear explanation on why she did what she did. She was torn into pieces and because she didn't show her emotions to a lot of people, this was definitely going to be a surprise for everyone, everyone except one person, David. But she was still ready, ready for her pain to be taken away in the matter of seconds and all she needed was the right weapon to do it.

Searching around her whole entire apartment, Winona finally found David's old pocket knife that he used to carry with him, mostly to protect Winona while she was pregnant. He made sure absolutely nothing was going to hurt either of them, but there was one thing he couldn't protect them from and it killed him inside. Winona zoned out staring at his knife, remembering everything he said about him being her protector and not just when she was pregnant. She started to give in to her uncontrollable sobs and fell on her knees crying. She missed him, there was no denying that, but she missed their baby more, their sweet precious babygirl, who never got the chance to live her life, and by knowing that Winona knew her life needed to end too, not just for her sake or David's, but for the life of their precious babygirl.

A few moments later, Winona snapped out of it and opened David's pocket knife very slowly and carefully, having the tightest and securest grip she could possibly get on it before taking one long glance at her stomach. This was it, the moment she felt was the right thing to do. She didn't care who she was hurting because she'd been hurting too and for too long so she wanted to put a stop to that, she was ready to put a stop to that but before she could she heard a loud knock on her door.


She didn't say anything but the more she listened to his voice in her head, the more she began to cry. She didn't want him to see her like this, but she had wanted to see him, so she did as she was told after hiding the knife and wiping her load of tears that were streaming down her face.

"H-Hi David" Winona said letting her head fall and her beautiful, brown hair cover a portion of her face.

David said nothing and pulled her into the tightest bear hug possible. "I-I'm sorry, I should've stayed. I knew how much you needed me and I ran and I shouldn't have done that, especially not to the love of my life. I'm so sorry Winona. I want to make it up to you." He wanted to reconcile with her after what happened so he thought going to see her would be better than just picking up the phone and calling her and he was right.

Winona had a lot of mixed emotions. She couldn't understand why he happened to come at the perfect time, right before she was about to severely hurt herself to end the pain. She kept thinking that maybe this was a sign, a sign that the world needed her and so did David.

"It's o-okay I understand why you left and I-I don't blame you for leaving, you were just as hurt as I was." She managed to say after a few short minutes of being lost in her own head once again. "Please, come in."

David did as he was told and walked in. He smiled when he saw the apartment look the exact same as it was when he left, it made him happy knowing she didn't change anything, considering he was the one who decorated the apartment for her.

"The place looks the same, just as I'd left it."

Winona smiled a bit and nodded, which is what she did when she didn't know what to say to someone, so she'd been doing that a lot lately and she was getting pretty good at it. After a few short seconds she noticed David standing right next to her note. She knew he couldn't see it or things could be completely ruined, and worse than they already were, but she was too late.

"What's this?"

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