Prologue: Party At Al's

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It was a hot and humid summer night, (Y/N), who earlier that day was invited to a house party being hosted by Allen, was just about done showering and getting ready to head out. Lutz and most likely Xaio would be coming to pick them up soon. brushing out their hair, (Y/N) got dressed. Wearing a simple white tank top, jean shorts, and a pair of black sneakers, (Y/N) grabbed their house key and phone and made their way down to the living room. Mid-way down the stairs, (Y/N) got a  notification from Lutz stating that he was in the driveway and that they should get their "thicc ass" out here before he comes and grabs it himself. Chuckling to themselves, they text a quick reply "Chill you horny ass, omw" and proceeded to jog to the door, exiting and locking it in a swift manner. Waving to the men in the car, you trot to the right seat situated behind Lutz, who was the driver and plopped yourself in, clicking the seat belt together.

- Time skip to Allen's home-

A quick 10 minuet car ride later and you've arrived at Allen's place. You, Lutz, and Xaio exited the car and made your way to the door. There was still little to no guests as you arrived since the boys wanted you there early to chill and chat with before things got wild. Xaio tossed the door open and stumbled halfway in, clutching the side of the door. "AALLL WE BROUGHT A SNACK WITH US" Xaio screamed obnoxiously loud. Cringing softly, you laughed already knowing he must have gotten high to further enjoy the party and antics of the guests. At a distance you could hear Al chuckle and his foot steps making their way towards you all. The three of you walked in (Xaio wobbling about), dropping your shoes near the door and meeting Al at the entrance of his living room. You shared a greeting and a tight hug and made your way to the couches. Al tossed you a hard lemonade, thanking him and popping it open, you took a quick swig before speaking up. "So what's the plan tonight, boys?" you asked grinning. Al stretched a bit and said; " y'know, drinking, food, music, video games, and whatever else these drunk asses will think of." You giggled and nodded, " nice, so the usual." 

For about 30 minuets, you and the boys spent some time chatting and joking around, all the while getting pre-drunk before guests began to arrive. Sooner than later guests began to pile in and before you knew it, the walls were vibrating with heavy bass from the music, and there was people loudly chatting, eating snacks, or yelling while obnoxiously drunk. You were having a good time hopping to the music with a soaring Xaio and red solo cup in hand before Al shoved his way through the dancing crowd, securing an arm around you, and bringing his lips to your ear to say, "ey, doll, drag Xaio with you and meet me at near the back doors. We're gonna play 7 minuets in heaven." Being partially drunk, but still keeping your senses, you smiled, looking up and Al and nodded, saying; "Sure thing, I'm down." You lightly tugged Xaio's hand to get his attention. Ceasing his bouncing, he drunkenly/highly smiled at you in question before seeing Al and feeling you tug him, making your way though the crowd not bothering to question it at all. 

The three of you arrived near the back doors and you noticed there was already a sizable group of people wanting to get some action from the game, Lutz and a few more recognizable faces included. Al casually sauntered over to Lutz and swiped his hat off his head, earning an irritated " HEY!" from Lutz. Ignoring Lutz's irritation, Al demanding that everyone write their name on some loose paper that made it's place on a dull wooden table in the centre of the room, fold it and place it in the hat. In no time, people crowded around the wooden table, scribbling their names on paper and dropping into the previously mentioned hat. In less than 5 minuets, the hat was full of scrap paper filled with names.

Al smirked, turning to you and with a teasing tone said; "ladies first~"




Who will you choose?

Just warning, but I'm an amateur writer, so if you have any criticism or tips, don't be afraid to share them with me. I'm here to improve and spread my love of writing and 2p Hetalia lol

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