Chapter One

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Today was probably the worst day that ever happened in ten years of Bright's life. She had promised, his mother did. That it would be the last time he has to transfer school and it was seven months ago. And when he managed to make friends with his new classmates at school, he has to leave yet again for the third time in three years. He understood that his father's work required them to move from one place to another, but Bright just hated this place the most. It was a small town on the countryside which he never heard the name of. He liked the city better, he liked to play around his late neighborhood without having to be concerned of getting attack by a wild boar or something. "At least we don't have to worry about Bright being kidnapped" and so his mother explained.

Somehow the trip to their new home was much more boring than he expected to be. The road was quite bumpy, and he didn't like to sit for five hours long in the car. "When are we going to arrive?" He glanced outside the window at the same line of green trees waving in the summer wind.

"Soon, dear" his mother replied shortly. She was actually loving the idea of them moving to the town, big city was not a good place for a child to grow up, apparently she thought so. His father drove the car faster, knowing that the sun almost reached the horizon and he wanted them to arrive before dark. The car pulled over on a certain road not far from the main road. It's 6 pm when they reached what Bright guessed as their new house. A two story house painted in light brown, steel fences around the yard. His mother made a squeal when she saw a small gazebo in the corner of the house, surrounded with grapes plants creeping around the wooden cabin.

"Where's my room?" Bright finally decided to ask before his parents got busy with moving things into the house.

"Upstairs, sweetheart" His mother replied between her instruction as some people moved her tea pots collection. He walked up the stairs, wondering which hallway he should pick, and he chose to walk left. He walked past a room that has a king sized bed, boxes already settled on the floor with books, shoes, and clothes mark on the sides, those are his brother's belonging. He walked further to the end of the hallway, the door made a creaking sound as he pushed the knob, he struggled to find the switch on the walls only to find the light bulb hasn't even installed, he pushed open the window and the silver light from the outside seeped in. There's already a single bed in the middle of the room, a desk and book shelf near the window, and a big cupboard across the bathroom. It was bigger than his previous room. He could even fit a small sofa and a coffee table somewhere just to make a touch of maturity. Oh well, his brother would laugh at him if he knew what he was thinking. He sat there, on his bed, looking around his new room between the dim. Still imagining his non-existing coffee table.


He swept his head outside the window. Both curiosity and fear filled in, call him paranoid, but Bright hated ghosts, and someone, or something might have been offended with his coming in the room. Who knew? Slowly he peeked out the open window, looking around to find the source of the noise.

And his eyes finally met those dark orbs. They were like a bottomless abyss that Bright prayed he would never fall into, but somehow their gravity finally attracted him to stare longer. There's a boy, sitting below his window, both hands hugging his knees. His black hair was covered in a hood of his oversized worn off jacket. He flinched as Bright craned his neck further to take a full glance of the boy.

"Hello? Who are you?"

The boy hesitated, biting his bottom lip. "I'm Bright, who are you?" Bright repeated.

"W-Win" Bright smiled. "Is it okay if i come down to you, Win?" Bright took the silence Win gave him as a yes as he sprinted downstairs, giving his mother 'I'll walk around' excuse. Win was still there, but this time standing up near the apple tree.

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