A Brust Of Thunder And A Flash Of Lightning

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(A/N: Cora is the adorable OC of FinnishWolf. The OCs are deaged into children and for that reason the cannon characters are more platonic towards them. It is in the setting of essentially all the slashers living together in a home. I've seen it done before and, so, I figured it'd be the easiest to do with this idea in mind.
My friend, I hope this is good and enjoyable for you and thank you for your constant positivty while life has been utter crap. I'm so glad and lucky to have met you!)

Toys littered the floor. Since Cora and Keon had turned into four years old, the house could hardly stay clean leaving the slashers, specifically Freddy and Thomas seeing as one was Freddy's son and the other had previously been Thomas's girlfriend, running around in circles. Even now, the two toddlers were running around, Keon chasing Cora playfully as he made 'monster' noises. Thomas watched the two intently, as if afriad to take his eyes off of them, as if a single moment without supervision would result in the two tots getting hurt. Freddy was the near opposite, leaning back into a chair, head even tipped back, only occasionally glancing up to check on them, he could've gone to sleep honestly.
The 'peaceful' environment, however, was about to be disturbed.
Cora giggled as she hid behind a curtain, peeking out to look at Thomas a moment, even if she was the size of a toddler, with toddler like behaviors to top it off, she still adored him and he adored her, showing it with a small smile sent towards her. Cora giggled again until a sudden, loud burst of thunder exploded behind her, startling both of the little ones.
Cora even jumped away from the curtain and Keon fell onto his rear. Both looked at the window baffled and even afraid. Storms never really bothered them but, they were little children now and, so, were more easily surprised and scared of things. A flash of lightning was seen, capturing their attention a moment before another loud boom went off, sending them running.
Thomas easily lifted Cora up into his lap, gently and soothingly rubbing her back. Freddy, however, got a rude awakening as Keon jumped right onto his lap. Both toddlers clung to their adult. Freddy groaned softly as he sat up, arching a brow at the two.
"Don't tell me a storm is gonna scare you two."
They did stay with literal murderers after all.
Cora whimpered softly, nuzzling into Thomas as she mumbled out, "Scawy..."
Thomas gently kissed her head. Freddy looked down to his son who nodded in agreement to Cora.
"Oh for f<cks sake," he muttered, laying his head back again. His relaxation didn't last any longer though as another burst made Keon start to wail, this leading to Cora doing the same. Thomas held her even closer, murmuring soft, sweet encouraging things to her as he stood up. Freddy did the same. They both had a thought in mind, that perhaps the little ones could use a nap and hopefully, by the time they woke, the worst of the storm would be over. Freddy passed Keon, who had finished his crying for now, trading it out for trembling, to Thomas as he fixed two sippy cups of chocolate milk. Afterwards, they settled them onto a pallet they made when this ordeal started. The tots were tucked in and given their drinks. It seemed to settle them enough. Freddy was relieved, it meant he could relax again and Thomas was simply grateful because it meant Cora was taken care of.
Before they could walk off though, Keon spoke up, "Can we heaw a story, daddy?" Freddy glanced to them seeing Cora nod in agreement to the idea.
"Please?" she added.
"Fine," Freddy groaned, "but you better sleep after," as he went to locate a book, Thomas sat next to the pallet, allowing Cora to hold his now very much larger hands.
Freddy soon enough returned with the book, sitting next to the pallet as well. He opened it up glancing over the words, sighing at the childish book, regardless, he did start to read, "Once upon a time......"

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