Ways it could happen

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Well,as we all know, Best bro dies fighting bravely against Mister Zasshu,more commonly known as GIRUGAMESHU or Gilgamesh if your a boring Westerner. So,we need to think of a possible outcome in which rider emerges victorious from his encounter with Gil oooooorrrrr some way Gil would be forced to flee and take care of some other issue. Let's start with the first idea: I'm 100% sure that Iskandar's noble phantasm could have defeated Gil. Why? It's stated that each and every heroic spirit in the vast army of The King Of Conquerors has their own unique powers and noble phantasms. That's pretty much having thousands upon thousands of servants and not needing mana to sustain them,only needing to use quite an amount to activate the reality marble. That's broken. If we take into account the fact that these heroic spirits probably differ in power then there's a chance that Gil has an egual match or 2 in the ranks of Iskandar. Another factor is that Gil was needed for the story in Fate Zero to reach its climax and he played a role in FSN which I won't mention to avoid spoilers for any FSN routes. Another important thing was that Arthuria,being the main character nobody likes,of course had a reserved spot to win,and we all know how powerful Gil is,meaning that they had to eliminate the last standing not so crucial member of the cast so that we can enter the final arc. That's for the first theory. A for he second I have no clue what or who would make Gil so concerned he would have to cancel a fight to take care of it. Protecting his master is out of the question since Archer bois don't need no master....well,for 2  days,then they go poof. That and the only master Gil took a liking to was your friendly neighborhood nihilistic saint, Kotomine Kirei. There might be a chance he would rush over to Kirei but that would probably mean kiritsugu sent saber to assassinate Kirei,even though that would make fate/ZERO sense (get it?) as Kirei can clearly know when saber is coming thanks to his familliars. That and come on,he's Kotomine Friggin Kirei. So,for the rest of my theory I'll be using the first variation,that being iskandar defeating Gil,as the base for my future theorising.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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