Little Green Bean

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Little Green Bean

Little Green Bean has been sure he hears things beneath his feet for weeks, but he's dismissed the noises. But today as he sits in dirt." a sinkhole opens up and he finds himself in a tunnel system. This tunnel system is not yet underwater yet under the whole ocean so if a hole in the tunnels the whole system would get flooded, so it is hard to build a new tunnel without flooding the whole system. In this tunnel system there are so many creatures, and even some from the ocean that find a way to sneak into the tunnels. The creature that is seen most from the ocean is a jellyfish, but this jellyfish does not sting, another popular creature from the ocean that little green bean likes to see is the clownfish, since the clown fish are so small it is so easy for them to sneak into the tunnel system.

Within this tunnel system he sees a ton of tiny and big creatures, he notices the jellyfish that he has heard about before, but then he thinks to himself, am I under water right now?Little green bean can not swim, so he gets scared when he is around water, but then he looks around and everything is just beneath the water but there is swimming involved with being in the tunnel systems. As he observes this jellyfish he feels a feeling he has never felt before such as when he walked around and observed what was around him he felt this tingle go through his spine, and when he saw something he liked he could no longer breathe fire for ten minutes after . Little Green Bean has never felt these feelings, everything is new and nothing feels the same as it did ten minutes before he walked into this sinkhole. He is very excited to see what other creatures he can meet and make friends with and have a new life and new people in this new and interesting yet amazing place he ended up in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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