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Hello, welcome to my individual roleplay book. I have been really absent from Wattpad because of.. well life but I still have an ever lasting love for Roleplaying so I hope to push myself to be on here more often with this book. I will be publishing both female and male characters. Some will be LGBT warranted characters, some won't be so just make sure to look under sexuality to see what kind of RP the characters do. I do BxB, GxG and FxM roleplays. I also don't mind smut, if you are uncomfortable with it let me know. There will be things I am uncomfortable with but I am unfortunately too lazy to write and entire rule page so we'll learn together. Please be patient with me. For right now please try to be descriptive in the roleplays as I try to put fourth effort I expect you to do the same, and if you want subjects like rape, suicide and death to happen please warn me before hand. I think that's all I have, if you have any questions you may ask me and if you want to request a character, please do I encourage you to. Thank you for taking the time to read! Let's have some fun.

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