Chapter One

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Delphi woke to the sound of birds chirping outside her new home. Stretching and yawning she got up and walked out to the clearing at the entrance of her cave. It wasn't the most ideal spot in her eyes, but it worked for what she needed. The cave was cozy, and big enough for three of her to fit comfortably inside. Branches and vines covered the entrance, hiding it from unsavory passersby. Inside she had put fresh grass clippings she had made from the clearing in front of it, making the floor soft to walk and lay on. A stream cut across the trees on the far side of the clearing and was big enough to have plenty of fish swimming in it. The reason the spot was less than ideal was due to the fact that she would have preferred her home to be somewhere higher. 

Moving on from admiring her new home she thought about her family. They had wished her luck and sent her on her way, warning her to find somewhere safe and protected from the bipedal beings that would invade their home when she was a young dragon, trying to kill her family and herself. They never got to far, always ending up burnt and injured badly. The lucky ones could get away still alive, but crippled. When she had asked her mother and father why the beings attacked her and her family, they responded with vague answers. Now that she was older she knew that the reason behind it was due to greed. Their home had been filled with a chest in the very back, and in it there was something precious to the beings. She wasn't completely sure what it was that was so precious. To her the only things that mattered was a nice home, good food, and family.

Walking towards the stream she snagged a couple fish and ate them. Done with breakfast she flew up onto the tree tops and sat on the branches. Looking out she watched the plains, the grass swaying in the breeze. Seeing some of it move unnaturally she watched as two heads popped up, one of them another dragon and the other a bipedal. The dragon was chasing it, and the bipedal was running with something in its arms. Deciding to get a closer look she spread her feathered wings and took flight towards the disturbance. 

Gliding above the other dragon she looked down at it as it ran and whistled a friendly greeting. "Good morning neighbor! What does the bipedal have that you need?"

The green dragon snarled angrily. "It took one of my eggs! Help me catch it!"

Delphi looked forward and dove at the bipedal, grabbing it in her front paws. Landing in the grass she smiled at the green dragon while the bipedal screeched and wiggled in her claws, trying to escape. Ignoring it she saw that it had dropped the egg onto the grass. The egg was not a normal egg though, and it looked to be made of some golden material. it had carvings on it, all of leaves and runes. "You're egg does not look like any egg I have ever seen."

Looking at the green dragon Delphi notices how her claws were long and her paws were shovel-like. She had frills on the sides of her head, and she spread them like fans when she threatened the squirming bipedal. Sitting on her back haunches and curling her spiked tail that was currently streamline around her body. Her teeth were all long and pointy, but two fangs were longer than the rest and dripped venom. Along the grass area behind the green dragon were spots that looked to be melting from a form of acid, presumably made by the green dragon herself. Her wings were small, and made for gliding short distances across flat terrain, leathery compared to Delphi's feathered ones.

The green dragon sniffed the golden egg and snorted when it realized it wasn't one of its unhatched babies. "Never mind with the egg then. What do you plan on doing with the thing?" It poked its nose into the bipedal's middle roughly, sending it into a series of terror filled yelps.

" I do not know, I'll figure it out though. What do you plan on doing with the fake egg?"

"Since it isn't one of my babies you can have it and do what you will. I have no need for fake eggs." The green dragon snarled at the bipedal and started back to its home. "Thank you for your help, if you ever need anything you can find me in this area."

With the green dragon gone Delphi looked down at the bipedal in her claws. It had somehow managed to wiggle one of its arms out of her hold and was now trying to pry her claws off of it. "Now stop that, no need to be rude." She told it. When it felt her breath on it, it looked up and its eyes widened. It started making noises and struggling even more. "Stop that! I'm not going to eat you!" She said sternly. It froze in its movements and noise making. "Thank you."

She stood up and grabbed the egg in her beak-like maw, her paws occupied with the bipedal. Preparing to take off she spread her wings and pumped them downwards. She flew back to her home and landed in the clearing at the front of her cave. Walking inside she set the egg down on a rock ledge that held it perfectly in place. Moving her attention on the bipedal she saw it was looking around the cave nervously. She set it down on the grass covered floor and then sat down in front of it, staring it in the eyes. It had long blonde fur on the top of its head, and its ears were pointed. The rest of its body was fur-less and pale. Covering it were wrappings of some sort, leaving only its head, neck, and front paws exposed. It blinked and moved towards the entrance slowly, before bolting. Grabbing it with her tail she set it down in front of her again and kept on staring at it. It tried this a few more times before it looked like it gave up. She thought this because it sat down on the grass covered floor.

It became about midday before she heard a noise come from its middle, and she realized it was probably hungry, and so was she. Standing up she walked out of the cave and towards the stream. She heard the bipedal shuffling behind her and made sure to keep an eye on it. Waiting for a few moments, she stroke at the fish, nabbing a few. bringing her head out of the water she turned towards the bipedal and set them down in front of it. Waiting for it to do something, it stood there doing nothing. "Well are you going to eat them or are you starving yourself?" 

The bipedal gulped and looked at the fish, then back at her. She stared expectantly at it but nothing happened so she sighed and went back to getting fish from the stream. after getting enough for herself she stopped fishing and laid down to eat what she caught, watching the bipedal stare at her as she ate. Once she finished she nudged the fish she had caught for it towards them, and stared expectantly at it. "Eat." She told it, and acted like she was eating one before nudging it towards them. They seemed to understand, but made a face at the fish. "What's wrong with it? It's perfectly good fish!" She was annoyed at the bipedal. 

It got up and started gathering branches from around the area, and set them up surrounded by rocks. Using two in its front paws it started hitting them together and making sparks. "Are you trying to make fire?" She asked it. It looked at her before going back to what it was doing. Pointing a paw at the branches she shot a ball of fire at the sticks, catching them alight. The bipedal whipped their head towards her and stared in awe and fear. "Fire." She smirked.

The bipedal repeated what she said and pointed at the fire. "Yes, that is what i just said. Fire." She nodded. The bipedal then said a word in their language while pointing at it. She repeated what they said and they grinned. " Is that what you call it? Does that mean fire in your language?" The bipedal pointed at themselves and said something in their language. When she didn't get it they repeated it to her. " Is that your name? Or is it what you are?"

The guessing game continued until the fish were cooked and the bipedal ate it. After that the two of them went into the cave and laid down on the grass. Looking at the bipedal she smiled and closed her eyes when she heard them snore, letting the cloak of sleep settle over her as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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