Tony (Hey, Rue. I know it's been a while.)

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"Only two weeks of getting the band back together and it's already going to shit," said Tony, sprawled out on the floor of the second safe house that week. It was true, only a couple days after settling their differences and holding hands and singing kumbaya, HYDRA came in and tore all their sense of calm and trust down (not that there was any, to begin with). It was summer, which meant that Peter was with him while May was at a job in California. While May was already staying with Fury for protection, Peter was in the most dangerous spot: the one with him.

There was no way he could be safe, with his position as Tony Stark's personal intern and, what Tony hoped HYDRA didn't know, Spider-Boy (for the last time Tiny Stank, it's Spider-Man!).  The only way he could be safe was with him, which could also be catastrophic if they were attacked (which has happened twice-). Tony wanted him to be safe. He wanted to wrap him in loads of bubble wrap, stuff him in a box full of packing peanuts, and send him off to a remote island where no one could find him.

Suffice to say: he wanted to protect him.

"Well, what the fuck are you going to do Stark?" Asked Clint, no heat behind it. He was stressed out, they all were. He'd apologized for the shit show at the airport, and said he'd be a better friend. Tony forgave, of course; out of all the Avengers, he was always particularly close to Clint, Bruce, and Natasha. It hurt when they left, one had already left before, what was stopping them from leaving too? They all did in the end.

But instead of reciprocating his depressing thoughts, he pulled Peter to his chest, covered his ears, and said: "Watch it, Clinton, there are children here."

"Still confused on the matter, actually. Is he yours?" Clint drawled out. From his position on Tony's chest, Peter snorted.

"He wishes I was his son"

"You wish I was your dad"

"Enough. We need to focus on the important matters at hand: how we're going to keep ourselves and each other safe, and end-all of this. So far HYDRA has found all of or bases, and it's only a matter of time before they find this one. Tony's got a point, there is a kid here. We need to keep him and everyone safe." Captain 'Buzzkill' said, bushy ass eyebrows furrowing.

Tony sighed and sat up, moving Peter's head to his lap. "I agree with your last sentence wholeheartedly, but how are we going to? HYDRA's already blown through two safe houses, we can't risk Laura and the kids being founded out, there's nowhere to go." Tony tried to look at the positive side of things, for Peter's sake, but he couldn't. Maybe he was paranoid about losing his kid (Rhodey, you can't be an honorary uncle because he's not my son-), or losing the team again. He didn't know, he just knew he wanted them safe; he just didn't know-how.

Steve looked at Tony for a bit before dropping his head into his hands and rubbing his temples. "Does anyone have an idea of what we could do? Anyone have someone they could stay with that no one would expect them to know?"

Suddenly, Tony thought of something. He gently moved Peter's head to a pillow on the floor and stood up.

"Tony?" Steve asked, confused.

"I've got someone, just let me make a call." He didn't stay to hear what the others had to stay and instead ran to his room. He scrolled through his contacts as fast he could before finding who he was looking for. He hovered over it for a bit hesitantly, before realizing there was nothing he should be hesitant about and clicked on the name. He took a shaky breath and listened to the ringing.



He picked up on the third ring.


Tony smiled a bit, happy to hear his voice. "Hey, Rue.

I know it's been a while."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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