Meeting Shido

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Chapter 1

Shido Itsuka stared at me as I shyly tell everyone the name I go by, stuttering and rushing to my seat, embarrassed. I know Shido could sense I was a spirit, but I felt confident in all the 3 million deaths I've caused all across the US, Canada, France, and Japan. The only thing the victims see is my face before they die, and they have that smile that nobody else has seen yet. There are a few survivors, but they were either sick, pregnant, or people in their formative years (babies, toddlers, etc), and killing children, sick people, and pregnant woman is a line in the sand that I just can't cross, no matter what.

Chapter 2

Shido saw me pull my mask out of my bag, and I'm pretty sure he recognized me. I still didn't feel scared yet. I began killing some bad teens who hurt others, sweaty from all the movements. I accidentally teleported to Shido and he pulled my mask off and I felt sick. I gulped and gulped it back, my stomach spasming as I put my hand over my mouth. Shido asked me if I was alright and I said "I'm fine!," with tears threatening to fall as my eyes watered. I ended up fainting as the world tilted backwards. The world went dark like I was inside a lightless cave, and I woke up in a house, a note left. I stayed in my room, with a trash bag to puke into, finding them back as the end of the day. I wasn't hungry but rather still a bit queasy and fatigued. Shido got worried about me, and so I walked out to get some air, my queasiness feels less intense, and he brings me back in after a few hours. I was in tears, my hands over my ears the whole time. I woke up hours later, and he left a meal for me, the remote with a girl, who put on some soap dramas. I ate the meal, and enjoyed the soap dramas, and fell asleep curled up on the couch, waking up later, feeling nervous as Shido took me out. I got bored so I looked out the window, admiring the scenery, and then it hit me. I clapped my hand over my mouth, probably smelling strongly of pre-vomit. That feeling of sickness. Motion Sickness that my little sister had experienced. My eyes grew wide and my pupils/irises shrunk as I felt barfy and burped a bit. Shido stopped the car and checked up on me. He told me that I looked green, smelling strongly like I was gonna puke but I said I was okay, my stomach still quite queasy from motion sickness, and my head still swimming from the car ride. I looked out again. Minutes later I leaned down, one hand over my stomach, the other over my mouth, the car being stopped as my stomach lurches. Shido got me out as I crossed my arms over my stomach as I loudly puked, leaned down, my back rubbed by him. My stomach cramped hard, intensely painful while my stomach was squeezing it contents out. I heaved air, and he gave me a look, so I started crying quietly in self anger and shame. I could've gotten us turned around and we miss the trip to the hot springs. I gargled up the remains and washed out my mouth with water. He eventually got me back in the car after I confirmed that I got all out, and quietly scolded me, and I cried quietly in embarrassment, refusing to stop. I put my big hood over my face, and my face was red, I leaned over in the seat, my head below the window, so I felt him rub my back. He told me it would be alright as soon as I closed my eyes and that I should calm down. He shushed me a few times, and I continued crying embarrassedly, and wouldn't stop. Shido patted and rubbed my back as I continued, not stopping, even when we arrived. Shido got me some water I drank slowly, getting drowsy and Shido sat next to me, as i watched everyone else have fun, really just tired and embarrassed from getting sick on the car ride. I had on my bathing suit, but refused to get in. Even the girls encouraged me to get in, but I refused, remembering my terrible past that I spent in America, still 14 or 15 but a spirit who controls the earth, me known as the Earthshaker. I retched and heaved air again, my stomach acting up and spasming. Once it stopped, i put my face in my hands, crying out of embarrassment as he hugged me into his shoulders. He calmed me down after a few minutes of crying. I calmed down, exhausted from puking and crying. I eventually got in, and I felt better, a wave of sleepiness washing over me. When we got in the car after everyone used the bathrooms, I felt asleep when the car started, leaning on Shiro's shoulder, finally letting myself fall asleep.

I opened my eyes, and it was dark outside. I rubbed my eyes, and tiredly yawning. The car door opened and Shiro said "You slept pretty good for the two hours you spent passed out in the car! You sure were tired because you slept like a baby!", and I yawn in agreement, tired. After half an hour, i cross my arms over my stomach after it growls, blushing again. Shido made me something to eat and drink. He puts me to bed right afterwards and i slept like a baby again, until the others get up the next morning. Shido took me to school the next day and I passed out, waking up in my memories. I saw myself in a bed, hooked up to several tubes flowing into me after I got an internal infection from eating mushrooms I shouldn't have eaten. My hair was short, and I could barely move, being barely alive. Shido is now aware out about my past 7 near deaths from asthma attacks and one near death from food poisoning. I woke up, Shido softly shaking me. I felt comfortable, actually sitting up. I woke up, in a tube, against a wall, my blond hair comfortably floating up and down. My golden eyes and brown skin were normal, so I absolutely passed out.

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