Toss a Coin to Your Devil

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Lucifer was heading to bed when he heard  muffled voices coming from inside the nursery. He leaned closer to the door, and heard Trixie talking to her sister.

You like birds," continued the witcher. "But that doesn't stop you biting the necks of people of both sexes, does it? You and Nivellen, indeed! A beautiful couple you'd make, a monster and a vampire, rulers of a forest castle. You'd dominate the whole area in a flash. You, eternally thirsty for blood, and he, your guardian, a murderer at your service, a blind tool. But first he had to become a true monster, not a human being in a monster's mask."

"What kind of stories are you telling, Urchin?" Lucifer asked as he walked into the room.

"Oh, hey dad!" Trixie said as she put down her book, "I was just reading Lily a chapter from 'The Last Wish'. It's part of The Witcher series".

"Oh bloody hell, not those books".

"What's wrong with the Witcher?" Trixie asked, confused.

"What's wrong is my brother visits one struggling author and gets turned into a bloody franchise! I visit plenty of people and the only book I get mentioned in is the Bible!".

"Wait..." Trixie started, "which brother? I didn't see anyone at Lily's birthday party that looked like Geralt of Rivia".

"Oh that's because he wasn't there!" Lucifer told her," You see, Ophaniel is the angel over the moon and it's cycles so he tends to not get out and mingle often".

"Can you invite him over? Pleeease Dad?".

At the sight of Trixie's patented puppy eyes, Lucifer relented. "Oh bugger, I guess it couldn't hurt having one more featherbrained sibling over. But not tonight, you and Starlight need to get to bed".

He leaned over the crib and kissed Lily on the cheek, turned out the lights, and proceeded to carry a giggling Trixie piggyback to her own room.


A week later Lucifer, Chloe, their children, along with Ella and Michael were gathered into the living room.

"Now are you sure that Ophaniel got someone else to take over Lunar cycle duties for awhile, Micha?".

"Yes," Michael said, " Duma and Puriel planned to split the work".

"Well then, time to give our greetings," Lucifer clapped his hands together in prayer and shouted "PHANNIE GET YOUR FANNY DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!".

Chloe facepalmed while Trixie muttered "smooth, Dad".

A new voice sounded from the balcony, "FOR THE LAST TIME LUCIFER, DON'T CALL ME PHANNIE!".

"Whatever you say, Phannie dear," Lucifer purred.

A beautiful, yet extremely annoyed angel stepped into the living room. Ella gasped at how much he looked like the guy who plays Geralt of Rivia on TV. The only differences were he was slightly paler, his hair went down to his waist, and he had electrifying purple eyes. His wings were pure silver and gave off a metallic sheen in certain lighting.

"Was there a particular reason you wanted me to visit, besides insulting me, brother?" Ophaniel asked.

Lucifer brought Trixie forward, who was staring at the new angel with her mouth open. "My little urchin here has been reading those Dad-awful books you inspired and asked to meet you".

Ophaniel knelt down before the awestruck girl. "It's a pleasure to meet my brother's offspring".

"Did you really give the authors of the Witcher their ideas?" Trixie asked.

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