Arrival at the M*A*S*H 4077th

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       I step off of the plane and walk to the dusty flat land to wait for my jeep. I just enlisted to serve at a MASH unit. I look around me to make sure I had all of my bags, when a greenish-gray jeep pulled up. "Are you Captian L/N?" Asked what looked like to be a kid, he looked so young. He also had circular glasses. "Yep, that's me. But please call me Y/N." He smiled and nodded, "You can call me Radar. That's not my real name, I got that nickname because I know when things are going to happen before they do." I smiled.
      Before I knew it we were at the compound. Everyone must be in their tents, for no one was outside. Radar grabbed my bags and showed me to my tent, "Sorry, we heard about you coming on such short notice we couldn't set up a tent for you. So for now you will stay in the VIP tent."  It didn't take long before we got there, "Thank you Radar, I'll take my stuff."  Radar handed me my stuff and I set it beside my bed.  "I'll go tell Colonel Potter that you're here."  He ran out of the tent and I started to unpack my stuff when three men walk in. I stand up when the older looking of the three starts talking.  "Hello Captian L/N I'm Colonel Potter and this is Captian Hawkeye Pierce and BJ Hunnicut. I hope you find it comfortable here, dinner starts soon in the mess hall. I need to get back to work. Hawkeye and BJ will show you around. Treat here nice she is the new surgeon here. I'll see you guys later."  As Colonel Potter left I turned to Hawkeye and BJ. "So now what? Dinner?"  Hawkeye spoke up, "Well we do have the best food west of America."  "Yeah," BJ commented, "like our famous Brown Green Beans!"  I laughed as we headed towards the mess hall. On the way we met Father Mulcahy, Klinger, Margaret, and Charles. The food wasn't that bad, I've had worse before.
     After dinner Hawkeye and BJ asked me if I wanted to come with them to grab a drink, I politely declined and retired to my tent. Staying here won't we too bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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