Saying Goodbye

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    It has almost been 10 years since the band has been together. Me and Jungkook have had a crush on each other for years and finally confessed our love for each other, we want to come out but since Big Hit has such strict rules we can't. But since we are going to disband soon me and Jungkook are going to confess what we have been hiding for years from ARMY, nobody knows not even the other band members. We all will still hangout and talk everyday since we are like brothers and are practically inseparable. All of us are going to start a reality and get jobs, a significant other and start a family.

    We have one more album we want to release before we disband called "Map of The Soul: The Final", it is dedicated to ARMY and us saying goodbye.

Meanwhile all the members are in our practice room practicing our new dances for our album.

    "I'm going to get some water real quick" Jin said out of breathe while walking out the door. 

"Me too!" Everyone else shouted except for me and Jungkook, we stayed because we had to plan how we were going to come out since we only have 3 months until the final concert.

    After they all left Jungkook grabbed my hand and lead me over to the bench to sit down.

 "I have an idea for the end, how about we say we have one last song as a surprise, just me and you! And that's when we can tell them."

    "What do you think?" Jungkook asked staring at me. I looked down fiddling with my hands "I don't know." I hummed "I'm a little nervous." I said frowning a little.

Jungkook's POV:
As I see him frown and him telling me he's nervous to come out. I scoot closer to him on the bench and give him a reassuring hug, "They will be so happy Taehyungie, they have probably waited for this moment".

He hugs me back giving a faint smile.

    Then the door opens and all the other members come back in, me and Tae jump out each others hold before they see.

    "Ok back to practicing, we need to be better than ever for ARMY!" Jimin said, I looked over to Tae "we'll talk about this later." I said quietly so the members would not hear. He nodded as an "ok". The new choreography is for the song we just recorded called "The Unknown".

Taehyung's POV:
As we were practicing I was so nervous and distracted my foot lost balance. My worst fear of course happens 3 months before the final concert. I hear a cracking noise come from my ankle, and all the members heard it too. They all came running over to me, "Are you okay?!?!" Jungkook asked while running over to me. I screamed in pain holding my ankle.

"Quick we need to take him to the ER to get this checked out!" Namjoon said. Jungkook within a blink of an eye picked me up bridal style and brought me to the car. I had tears welling up in my eyes because I was so nervous if my ankle was broken and the shooting pain coming from my ankle area.

We reach the car and Jungkook sets me down gently into the leather seat, also buckling me in. Tae with a tear falling slowly down his cheek looks up at Jungkook "What if it's broken?"

    Jungkook holds his hand. "I'm sure it will be healed before the concert if it is." He said reassuring him because he hated seeing Taehyung cry, it made him feel horrible, he felt like it was his fault talking about this before practice.

    "Ugh I should have talked about it after practice with you." He said running his hands through his hair with an angry expression on his face disappointed in himself.

    "About what?" Hoseok asked with a confused look.

    "N-nothing." Jungkook said getting into the car next to Tae and all the members behind them. As they were on their way Tae and Jungkook were both thinking about so many things that could happen? So many things went through each of their minds, what if it's broken, what if it's not healed by the concert?!,  Their last and final concert!

This is my first Fanfic. So I'm sorry if it's bad but I hope you enjoy!! <3

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