Am I really happy?

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             (This story is fictional)
Hello reader and ARMYS this is a story about Jung Hoseok. This is a one-shot story, after this chapter, there will be no more.

I plan on making a series that has the same thoughts and writings that go off of the first story.

The cover is not mine.

I am just using the names of the members. I am in no way shape or form saying that they act like this.

This is the first story.

Copyright © 2020 by maymay1092 all rights reserved

I own the storyline alone. Nothing else.

If someone has a similar book please contact me and tell me.

I will talk to the person personally if there are any complications.


I woke up after a long night of noise. A headache attacked it's way past the pain in my stomach. My body was irritated, my muscles we're also sore and my feet were killing me.

I had no intention of moving myself, fearing that I might lose my comfort space. This was really the only place I could find myself to forget.

Not to forget about the look of failure in everyone's gazes or the occasional glares. I stayed there to just, forget.

"Hoseokie Hyung, time to get up, "Jimin said, his voice sounded sweeter than honey but smoother than water. His blue hair fell loosely in front of his soft eyes.

" Jimin-ah, five more minutes, " I groaned. My eyes immediately fixated on his pillow-soft lips. I had always wondered why he had this look of affection in his eyes when he talked to me. It was like his whole world had lit up.

"No, hobi hyung we have practice, " Jimin declares, pulling me out of my bed. His small hands grasping mine in an attempt to drag me. I'll let him do it, I didn't want to move.

"Jimin-ah, my body hurts, " I whimpered, feeling my aching body on the cold floor. Jimin didn't hesitate to stop in his tracks as that sentence had left my lips."Wait, hobi, are you serious? I have to talk to Jin hyung about this." Jimin panicked, not sure on what to do.

"Jiminie, I'm fine, " I yelled getting his attention. I didn't want to be a burden to them, not at this point in time.

"Let's get ready for practice, " I say changing my tone in voice, lifting it up into a higher tone. Clearly faking it. I sense that he knows but doesn't protest.


I enter the practice room, seeing almost everyone inside. I decided to sit in a corner and wait for the final members to come in. I sighed as I hit the marble floor. I close my eyes, feeling the nice breeze on my face.

"Jungkookie, Jungkookie I'm sorry, I didn't know that Yeontan was there, I swear." I heard the second-youngest whine. I then stood up on my own two feet.

I inhaled deeply, today was a dance practice day. I had three long hours of maybe painful dancing.


"Hoseokie hyung, did you forget that we have to record today?" I heard Jungkook question. Did I? Yes. I painful groan escaped from my teeth as I felt my body tense up.

I have managed to not faint while dancing and teaching but this was it, I was going to. We sat in order of age. "Start!" The director shouted.

Taehyung then started to sing the opening. After the opening, I had my lines to rap, I did, in fact, get to do my lines fluently.

Another few minutes, I found myself starting to get nauseous. I felt as though I needed to puke. I ignored my feeling of illness and tried to rap my part.

As I opened my mouth to let a few words come out, My vision was cut off as my head collided with the hard floor.


" Hoseok, Hoseok!" SeokJin Yells.

I was now sitting in a dark void. Hearing my friends pleads and cries. I wanted to see them, I wanted to tell them it was all a joke.

so I tried to find a way out.
I had failed at that

I then tried screaming for help
no one heard me.

so I gave up.

I huddled up into a small ball, hoping something would save me.

"Hobi, " A voice called.

"You need to think of something for me, " The voice said again. My head was searching for the person that spoke. I needed to know what I need to think of.

" Think about your journey here, to the very spot you are now. Think and ask yourself this question, 'am I happy?', "

Then Hoseok woke up feeling the pounding pain from before.

" Hoseokie, " Jimin said, catching my attention."Yes?" I answered completely straight forward. I had no intention of playing my complete attention to Jimin or the others. I needed to think about what happened earlier on in his head.

"Jung Hoseok!" Namjoon exclaimed, getting my undivided attention.

"Were you listening to us?" Namjoon stated. My eyes were soon filled with tears, I couldn't face them anymore. I had to think about what that lady had said before.

" I-I'm sorry but, can I have some time alone, " I muttered loud enough for them to hear.

" Hobi, you've been out for two weeks, what happened?" Yoongi spoke out, causing more tears to fall from my brown eyes.

It didn't take long for the others to see what was happening with me. So I was given space. The space that I so greatly needed. I opened the window near me and thanked the board for sending the breeze that calmed me down.

I thought and thought about what that lady had said before I woke up. If I had been happy? I don't even know anymore. Was I truly happy, or was I hiding my true feelings?

"Hyung!" I brought you food!" said Jungkook, handing me a box with a burger and a cup of spite. I thanked him a hugged him.

"I'm sorry for pushing you away, I need you all now, "

Am I really happy where I am now? Yes, very happy. Do I plan on changing that? No.

I then felt the one-on-one hug I was in grow greater as all my band members join.

"Ahhh, you guys are killing me!" I joked.


The feeling of the sun on my resting head was amazing. I had never really and truly felt as relaxed on my day-offs.

Yoongi was near, showing off his gummy smile to the others as SeokJin told a bad joke.


The end. (Don't take this story seriously)


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