The Key

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'I found a key'
'A key? A key for what?'
'Well I don't know, it was just in this box.'
'What else is in the box?'
'What do you mean nothing?'
'I mean, it's the only this key in the box. If the key wasn't in there, the box would be completely empty. Now does that make sense to you?'
Joe looked skeptical. The warehouse is entirely empty except for one key?
'Well does it say anything on it?' The annoyance in Joe's voice was clear. Michael had sent himself and Steven to find something, without telling them what that something is. 'When you see it, you'll know', is what Michael had said. No further information or instructions, just that. He hoped this is what they were looking for.
'It says BT462. What does that mean?'
'How am I supposed to know?! Give it here, I want to see...'
'No! I found it,' said Steven, pulling it to his chest.
'Steven! Give it to me!' Joe frantically grabbed for the key and snatched it from Stevens hands. He inspected it as if it where a diamond. Steven turned away in frustration. He too was annoyed. He'd only met Joe that morning and he already found him bossy, irritating and a pain to be around, not to mention severely unprofessional. Joe was examining the key with intense scrutiny.
'Surely these are initials for someone or something...' he said quietly.
'Look, Joe, there's nothing else here. This must be what Michael wants.'
They'd searched every square inch of the warehouse and found nothing, until now. It was a large building that had clearly been abandoned for years. There were discarded pieces of wood and damp cardboard boxes, various pieces of scrap metal strewn around and Steven thought he could hear the faint squeaking of mice... or rats. He hoped they weren't rats. The warehouse would be pitch dark if it weren't for small circular windows in the roof, allowing a sliver of light to enter the warehouse, barely giving enough visibility to see properly. The windows were very odd, as they didn't appear to have been built in a very systematic or symmetrical way. They looked as if they'd just been thrown in random areas in the roof.
'Strange...' thought Joe, observing the key even further. 'Very odd.' It was a pretty basic and ordinary key. Maybe it was just a little bigger than normal ones and it was very, very old. Ancient. The handle consisted of lots of small circular holes. They were distributed in a pattern similar to if a Venn diagram consisted of four circles and there was a smaller circle in the middle where all four of the larger circles met. Steven was getting restless.
'Come on Joe. This must be what Michael wants. There's nothing else here! It's cold, damp and I think I can hear ra...'
'Shut it, I'm trying to think! There must something else here or something connected to the key or...' Steven rolled his eyes and shook his head dramatically. Joe glanced up at the windows again. They just don't look right, he thought. He walked to the far wall in front of him to get a wider view of the windows. From this angle, he could see a pattern. A pattern resembling the key. He looked down to where the beams of light met the ground.
'Hold on...' Joe marched to where the beams of light seemed to converge, like a Venn diagram - like the key. There was a smaller circle in the middle of the larger circles and as Joe crouched down, he noticed a hole. Steven watched on, clearly confused.
'Joe, what the...' Steven trailed off. He suddenly noticed that Joe was putting a key into a hole in the ground. 'Don't drop it! What are you doing? Are you insa...' Steven stopped, as he realised that the hole in the ground wasn't an ordinary hole, but a key hole, made to measure for the key Joe had in his hand. It fit perfectly. Joe twisted the key and heard a faint click. Before Joe could even try and turn the key again, the floor began to move, the walls began to shake and the beams of light disappeared, plunging them into darkness.

*As I said, this is an extremely short story (if you can call it that). I'd just appreciate any and all feedback/opinions you may have. I have no idea on what the events leading up to this part could be, or what could happen afterward, or if it could even be developed into a story! It was a very spontaneous piece of writing with no planning or forethought behind it. I hope you can give me feedback, as I am just interested to see if I could develop it into something more. Thanks!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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