A Jammi Fic

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there was once a girl named Sammi. she was in love with a much older man named Jack. despite the countless amount of tweets she sent him, he wouldnt notice her.

one day, Sammi bought tickets to see his band in portland. the moment she walked into the Hawthorne Theater, she knew it would be the day she would marry Jack.

After they finished their show, Alex came to little Sammi and said "Yo cunt Jack be callin' fo ya." and motioned for her to go backstage, but before she could get there Zack ran up to her and ripped his clothes off while screaming "I AM THE KING OF THE POOPS!" then turned into a pineapple. eventually she made it backstage, and what she saw was so beautiful she pooped a little. Jack stood before her, a snake in his butthole, singing Scene Girlz by brokeNCYDE. she attempted to go to Jack, but soon realized he was in a glass box. she knew she would never be able to break the box, so she gave up and put Rian's potato children in her vagina.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2012 ⏰

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