Today was Keith's first day of school after moving here during the summer with Shiro and his boyfriend Curtis. Shiro had been looking after Keith since he was little, he was like a father to him.

Keith's alarm rang, with a groan Keith pulled the plug and rolled over. 

"Rise and shine sleepy head!" Shiro threw open the door, making Keith jolted falling of bed.

"Ow!! what the fuck! Shiro!" Keith sat up rubbing his head. " Hey, language." Shiro grabbed a jar filled of dollar bills. Keith grunted getting up grabbing his wallet and placed a dollar in to the jar. "Now... Get out so I can change!" Keith yelled slamming the door, and slowly walks to his bed. Keith throws himself on to his his bed.

Five minuets later Shiro slowly comes in and drags Keith out of bed. "Ahh, ok, ok, I'm up! You happy!" Shiro chuckled heading out. "Breakfast is ready." Keith rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah."

Curtis was sitting at the table, as Shiro brought him and Keith's breakfast placing it on the table. Shiro reached in for a kiss from Curtis. "Get a room you two.." Keith blew them off shaking his head. Shiro smiled reaching in for another kiss from Curtis just to annoy Keith and sat down. Keith was wearing a black top and black jeans. The smell of the pancake batter and the rich maple syrup tickled Keith's nose as he walked down the stairs half asleep.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Curtis asked taking a bite of his pancakes. "I ate an hour ago." Shiro shook his head. "Come eat Keith." Shiro patted the chair next to him where a plate of pancakes and and an apple sat. Keith walked over to the plate taking the apple. "I gotta go." Keith walked to grab his leather jacket and gloves slipping them on. "C-ya." Keith saved closing the door behind him.

"They grow up so fast!" Shiro cried in to Curtis' neck. Curtis just laughed patting Shiro's head.

When Keith got to school a short guy in a grey shirt and a green sleeveless jacket and a darker shade a of grey pants that ended just bellow the knee, was running up to Keith waving. His light brown hair and with slightly darker shade of brown eyes. Keith stared very confused looking to each side of him to make sure he wasn't running to anyone else.

"Hello, My name is Pidge! I'm your next door neighbor. I was waiting for you to come out of your house to say hi but you took to long." Pidge held out his hand. "I'm Keith..." Keith ignored the gesture for the hand.

"Ok... Let me see your schedule." Pidge said putting awkward hand in his pants. Keith sighed reaching into his pocket and took out a folded price of paper. Pidge the paper from Keith and opened it. "Oh! Your a sophomore! I'm a freshman!" Pidge decreasing the rest of the paper. "We have art, science together! Luckily art is first period." Pidge smiled handing the paper back to Keith. The bell rang. "Time to get to class! Come on!" Keith obeyed following Pidge.

As  the two sat down in the back of the class, a big and tall guy walked up to Yuuri two of them. Wore a yellow shirt with a green vest with blue-ish gray jeans. "Hey, Pidge! It been a while! Who's this?" The tall guy asked sitting in front of the in in in in front of Pidge and Keith. "Hey Hunk, this is Keith my next door neighbor. Keith this Hunk we want to elementary and middle school together before he came here last year." Pidge replied introducing the two.

Time skip to lunch

When the three walked out side with their lunches, the way down under a tree and watched as boy's played door ball and frisbee, and a group of girls swooning over the guys. With other groups swooning around the front of the school. There wasn't a cloud in sight, it was also pretty hot.

"Hey, have you two heard, Lance is throwing a party this weekend?" Hunk asked eating a tuna fish sandwich. "Makes sense, he's thrown a party even in elementary." Pidge said eating a PB & J sandwich. "Who's Lance?" Pidge and Hunk gasped in surprise. "What?" Keith asked confused. "He talks!" They both say in unison. Keith shook his head, "So? Who is this 'Lance'?" Keith repeated still waiting for an answer. "Only the most popular guy in school. And not to mention both me and Hunk are friends with him." Pidge said with confidence in his words. "Used to be friends."Hunk corrected Pidge." Yeah, yeah, whatever..."

Waterloo!! High School AU ⭃KlanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora