Love, Abuse.

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May,16th. Lust, Loneliness. I met James at the bar. He waltzed up to me, charismatic. Sex that night was amazing and I said he may be the one.  Listening. Communication. Me and James knew each other for 2 weeks now and our biggest problems surrounded those two things. The fact that we couldn't listen and communicate. Within these two weeks, he has put his hands on me four times. I wish it was a joke or a dream and whenever I saw the girls on Facebook with their horror stories I said that it could never be me. Yet, now it is. Jealousy, Disrespect. It's been four weeks now. Even though we're not actually in a serious relationship, or so he says, he gets jealous over everything I do. I'm no longer allowed to text my male friends and the females have to not be considered a "hoe" in his definition. I miss my friends. I have nobody to talk to and nowhere to turn. He's put his hands on me twelve times now. Last night, it was worse than before. There's scars. My friends told me to leave him, but I think I'm starting to fall in love with him. I did something stupid anyways.  Next time I'll behave. Cheating, Sadness. We've been together a month. He's spending less time at home. Yes, home. He convinced me to move in with him. He also convinced me to quit my job. He says I'm his and he'll take care of me. I like the sound of it. I don't know where he is, and I miss him. He comes home smelling like perfume and another girl. But it's okay right? He's put his hands on me twenty times now. The number went down since I started doing what he said. My old friends think I'm crazy. He says they just don't understand what true love is. It's been three months. I want to leave but I can't. I'm caught. He says I'm stupid if I leave because I'll never find anyone who cares about me like him. I know it's wrong but I don't care. I love him and he loves me. Month six. My best friends came to my funeral today. He didn't. I should have left. I should have stood up for myself. But now there's nothing left of me, and he's on to the next girl, to do it again. Don't let it be you. Don't let it get far. Don't be like the girl who fell in love at the bar.

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