Pokemon Special: Last Time (One-Shot)

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 I'm ready for school. I went outside our house and luckily I saw my childhood friend, Dawn. 

"Hey Dawn!" I shouted at her since I'm at her back. She has a beautiful semi-long blue hair and pair of platinum eyes. As she turned around, I saw her beautiful eyes locked into mine.

"Good morning Lucas." Dawn smiled at me adorably.

 I can't help but to blush. Yes, I love her. I really do since we were little. I haven't confessed yet because maybe that would break our relationship. Not just that, she's the apple of the eyes of almost the boys of our school. She became popular since we became Middle School. About me, I eat alot but I don't get fat and I think we are not meant for each other. She's a princess and I'm a beggar. So let's say, she's my one-sided love. 

 Almost everyday is normal. I always watch her from afar since she's not my classmate. It hurts for me since boys always near her. When we were in gym class since our class both have the same time for P.E. actually not boasting, I'm great at running. One time when I was running I fainted. When I woke up I saw Dawn looking so sad.

"Uh... Hi Dawn." I smiled at her.

She looked so very sad.

"Idiot! Why did you fainted?" she cried.

"Hmm... Maybe it's so sunny I feel so drowzy." I smiled at her.

 "Be careful next time, I don't want to see you faint again!" Dawn said when living the clinic.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't want you to worry. I don't want to die yet." I said alone while putting my arm at my forhead.

 Since I fainted I feel alot sicker and I feel so weak from then. I decided to have a check-up with my friend Barry. I couldn't believe what sickness I have. I have heart-decease and leukimia. I'm going to say frankly, I won't live for so long.

"'Bro..." Barry said with a low tone.

"I know 'bro. Please don't tell Dawn, I don't want her to worry." I said still smiling.

 I continued my life normally. Smiling. Joking around with my friends. But day by day my body hurts. At home I always collapes. 2 months later I was confined at the hospital. Everyday Dawn wouldn't fail to visit me everyday whatever the weather is.

 "You know you need to eat lots of fruits." Dawn said while peeling an apple.

"But I won't last for long. I have heart decease and leukimia. You know I can't live." I smiled.

"Lucas don't say that. You'll acutally going to leave Barry and..." she paused for a second. "And me." she looked so sad so much for my dismay.

"... I know." I said while looking at the ceiling.

"Please. Don't." Dawn said while she stopped peeling. "You know, we haven't bonded since we were high school! We just see each other at morning and gym class! You... You're not like the Lucas I know years ago. You became so distant from me. I don't even know you hated me." she shouted and later cried.

 That's right. We haven't saw each other. Still, I haven't told you I love you. 

"It's just because you're always surrounded by popular, handsome, more atheletic, and more perfect than I am." I said smiling at her.

"But... But haven't you considered my feelings when you're so distant at me? Please excuse me." Dawn said while leaving the door.

 You were right... I haven't thought of your feelings. I'm such a jerk and I'm sorry for that and now I'm crying because of my stupidness. I think I also made you cry.

"I'm sorry." I said even no one is there. "I'm really, really sorry."

 Days past I grew weaker. I think this is my last day. Dawn makes me so happy visiting me everyday so as my best friend, Barry. I woke up, I feel numb. I saw Dawn sleeping at the couch. I know this is my last minute. Instead I push for help I quickly try so hard to walk towards Dawn. I kissed her. 

"I love you. I love you so much. I love you. I really do. I'm sorry I must leave you. This is the last time I will see you." I said while crying quietly. I am crying so hard like a baby who was lost at the woods. I won't last. I know. I quickly fall near Dawn. I'm happy. I'm happy that I'm going to die near you. Fear not. I will be always at your side.


Dawn woke up. She saw Lucas and quickly tried to call help.

"Lucas! Lucas! Don't do this to me. I... I... I haven't told you I love you yet!!! Lucas! Come back! Please! Please! Please! I love you please come back. Lucas!!!" Dawn cried while at his hands is her childhood love, Lucas. "I should've been at your side always."

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