
77 1 4

April was at home, which means inside the cave she was born in
She was laying in front of the entrance, rain falling on her face because of the wind, but she didn't really care
She was hungry too but outside was a storm
A huge storm, she wouldn't eat today
She watched the outside from her cave, the forest was as dark as usual, but something felt off
April noticed but didn't know what gave her this feeling
Until a lightning striked something in the forest
Surprisingly, it wasn't a tree, it was something else
"Damn, that sure was a huge one !"
April got up
"I should go check if no one was there"
April went out the cave
She didn't really know why she cared if someone got struck by the lightning, probably because she wanted to make sure nobody entered the forest, it was her home after all
She entered the forest and after a few minutes, found the spot she thought was where the lightning had struck, it was almost at the entrance of the forest, and it made April unconformable, she never got out of the forest you know, she looked around, seeing nothing
After searching for what felt like forever, she gave up
"Welp, looks like I got out for nothing"
She turned her head and was now facing a bush
"I should head back to the cave-"
She looked at the bush
"What the-"
There was a small gap between the bush and a tree, it wasn't that big, but it was big enough for April to see what looked like a cat tail
"Oh boy... tell me it's not what it looks like"
She got closer and looked behind the bush, and man, what was in front of her wasn't pretty, there was a cat on the ground, who probably used to have peach colored fur, and brown and white stripes too, even if most of the fur was now charcoal black, due to the impact, not just the fur had burned, skin too
April was terrified and disgusted by what she was seeing, she backed off the bush
"I...I need to head back !"
She started running through the forest, trying to find her way back to the cave
But the slippery grass made her fall down on the ground
She closed her eyes when she felt herself falling and when she opened them, she saw something
There was this small, dirty and rusty miror right under the tree in front of her, it had cracks on it, and in each cracks there was dirt stuck
The first thing she thought was that she was happy that she fell down, that way, she didn't hit her head on the tree, then the more she thought about it, the more she wondered what was this mirror doing here
She thought about it for some time, and then for some reason, April felt the urge to take the mirror back with her to the cave
She got up and walked to the mirror and took it in her paws, it was covered in mud and moss, it looked like it had been here for decades
She did her best to wipe the mud off the reflective part and looked at her reflection
But that wasn't her she was seeing in the mirror
There was a grey cat with a yellow star shaped spot around one of its eyes, she could also see things that looked like wings
She stared at this cat for what seemed like hours until something happened, the face of the grey cat suddenly seemed terrified
That was the cat in the mirror
April didn't even have time to look up that everything went black
Until she opened her eyes
She was back in the forest but something felt really off
April looked around and everything seemed to be the same but different at the same time
There was a lot of mist behind the trees and bushes and what was behind seemed like a black void
It wasn't raining anymore
And everything was grey
April mind was racing when a voice came from somewhere behind her
"Are you okay ?
-Who's there ?!"
April started looking around, but saw nothing
"I'm...I'm up here"
April looked up and saw the same grey cat she saw in the mirror on a branch
She backed off
"Who are you ?!"
What looked like a cat got down the tree, and April realized how small it was
It got closer from April, who backed away from a few steps
"Who are you ?! Don't come closer !
-Hey, I'm not going to hurt you"
April relaxed a little but remained careful
"Let me introduce myself"
He got closer
"My name is Steven and yours is April, am I right ?
-Uh... How would you know that ?"
The so-called Steven went silent and looked down at the grass
April waited for around 5 seconds and then got fed up
"Well ?
-I...I can't tell you that April
-Why not ? Knowing you're a total stranger, it's kinda creepy you know those kind of things"
Steven sighed
"L-look, we don't have much time so you just have to put your question aside for later ok ?
-What do you mean "later" ?
-April, I know you're dead but I need you to listen to me"
April went silent and stared at him
"...Man how high are you ?"
Steven sighed
"I guess you don't remember what happened to you, do you ?
-Of course I don't remember, since nothing happened !
-April, if nothing happened, how would you be in the forest ?
-Bro, you know, just because I'm partly a bat doesn't mean I can't fall asleep, i'll probably wake up soon"
Steven turned around and took his head between his paws and whispered something to himself, he then turned his head back to April
"What's the last thing you remember ?
-What ?
-Just answer
-Bro why should I ?
-April please, we're wasting time, so just answer"
April rolled her eyes
"If ya want dude"
She concentrated, trying to recall what happened
"So, I remember being in the cave and watching the forest, and..."
Suddenly the memories flooded back
"...What happened next ?
-You know what happened, the cat, and all... I know it's a lot to take in, I died too"
April stared at the ground and thought about it but then looked up at Steven
"What do you mean you died too ?
-That's not important"
April was about to reply but Steven kept talking
"I have a deal for you
-And why should I listen ?
-Let me explain"
Steven took a deep breath as April stared at him
"I can bring you back
-What ?
-You heard me, I can bring you back to life but i'll need your help to be able to do that
-And how am I supposed to help ?
-You're gonna have to work
-Could you PLEASE stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point for God's sake ?"
Steven took a deep breath
"As you can probably guess, we're not really in the forest, that's because we're inside the mirror you saw earlier, and let's just say i'm kind of stuck here...
-... Dude you do realize this doesn't make any sense and that it doesn't answer my question right ?"
He sighed for what seemed being the fourteenth time, but at the moment he was about to continue his explanations, a sound was heard, a sound that was similar to something breaking
"Oh boy..."
Steven seemed pretty panicked by hearing this but quickly composed himself, he looked at April, who started talking, clearly scared
"What's happening ?!
-Remember when I told you to keep your question for later ?
-Yeah ??
-Well that's what you're gonna have to do for now !
-WHAT ?!"
The forest was covered in cracks that were getting worse each time a cracking sound was heard
"April I'll have to explain everything to you later !
-Why ?!
-We don't have any time left, you need to choose quickly !
-Choose what ?!"
April was counting the cracking noises in her head, and it was the fifth one
"Between trusting me or dying for real !"
Steven extended his paw toward April, waiting for her to take it
She looked around, it was the seventh time a cracking noise was heard, but she had no idea when she was going to "run out of time"
She was thinking, sure this guy was a total stranger but what did she have to lose ?
Yeah she was pretty much unable to think straight in this state of panic
She noticed that each time the cracking noise was heard, it was more distorted than before, just this realization made her choose
She didn't want to die
She turned back to Steven, who seemed to be struggling
She reached out for his paw and took it in hers
Then there was white, then nothing
She had no idea what she was getting into

April woke up, and her surroundings were just black
Black everywhere
She looked down to see her hands or paw or fangs, she never knew how to call those, and she saw the mirror, she picked it up and looked at it, it looked in a way better shape than it was in the forest, she looked inside, and saw nothing but her reflection, she looked up and looked around
"Uh, Steven, or whatever your name is-
-I'm here, i'm here"
April looked around again
"In the mirror, April"
She looked inside the mirror and she could see his reflection, except this time, everything was grey

"Where am I ?"

Steven seemed to hesitate

"Would you believe me if I told you that you're nowhere ?"

April rolled her eyes before shrugging

"You told me that I died and I saw a forest shattering, so being nowhere is clearly believable"

Steven sighed in relief

"Why am I... Nowhere exactly ?"

This was one of the weirdest sentence she had ever said

"I need to find a vessel for you
-A vessel ? Why for ? What kind of vessel ?
-I... You'll understand soon enough
-Weren't you supposed to answer my questions once I agreed your deal ?"

Steven sighed

"I'm sorry April, but you'll have to wait a little longer, for now get ready, I've found someone"


This chapter will probably change in the future as this AU is still being created

Failed AU but it's the scriptOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz