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I walked along the traintracks alone, balancing on the rim of it as I did so. After separating from my group once the prision got destoryed I was hoping to find a safe place. The group decided that if anything goes wrong follow the tracks until the end. Rick was the leader of my group, a smart, tough man who tried everything to keep his family safe. I was like a daughter to him and I considered him more as a dad than my own. As soon as the world got over-run by the walkers my dad changed, he didn't care about no one but himself and my younger sister.

The stench of rotting flesh and dirt filled the air around me, I knew they were close. The echo of moans were becoming louder and louder. I turned around to see a herd of walkers not too far away. "Shit." I muttered under my breath, leaving the traintrack and heading into the edge of the forest beside it, hoping they wouldn't notice me.

I branch snapped behind me, I spun around stabbing the dead body in the head allowing it to fall to the ground. I turned back around, a man stood infront of me, pushing me forcefully against the tree. He was tall, towering over me as my back rested on the tree. His hair fell past his eyes slightly and he had slight stubble. He clapped his hand over my mouth as I muffeled words into his hand. "Shh, sh sh sh." He whispered quietly but aggressively, pointing at the herd of walkers passing us behind the trees with his spare hand. I obeyed, staying quiet and he moved his hand a way from my mouth.

Was he seriously trusting me to stay quiet? All I had to do was open my mouth and we'd both be dead. He proceeded to stand in front of me, I honestly didn't want him to move. I felt safer with him guarding me from the passing bodies that could have attacked me. "Where's you group?" He asked, once the walkers left.

"I don't know, we got separated about 6 days ago. I don't know where anyone is." I replied softly.

"It's not safe for you to be out here alone. You don't know who'll you'll come across." He added, keeping his eyes on the walkers in the distance. "We have a santuary. We could take you there if you'd want." He suggested, focusing his sight on me.

"What do you mean, we?" I questioned, placing my hand on the gun that was at my hip. He eyed me before letting out a slight chuckle.

"Alex, you can come out now." He said stepping back. From the trees beside us a man around the same age as him came out, lifting up his hand slightly as a form of greeting. "This is my brother Alex."

"You own Terminus?" I said, in a questioning tone.

"That's us." The man answered. Alex stayed quiet with his hands in his pockets watching me and he brother as we spoke. "What are doing out here anyway?" He began. "You were coming Terminus?" I stayed in silence as the two boys continued to watch me. I was trying to process everything he had told me.

"I'm coming with you." I answered, not giving him an option. After all, if they wanted to kill me they all ready had their chance. They could have left me for the walkers.

We were walking along traintracks, heading back to Terminus when the man spoke up. "What's your name?"

"Ally. Ally Blake." I said, turning to face him.

"Ally." He muttered under his breath as he kicked a rock from under his foot.

"Are my group here?" I asked, desperately. The only reason I was going to Terminus with them was to see if my group were here. He stopped in his tracks and met eyes with Alex.

"I'm Gareth, thanks for asking." He said sarcastically, trying to change the subject. I just stared right through him, "A couple of men, women, a child, a baby. Any of those." I added, a begging tone to my voice.

He sighed before answering, "There's a lot of men, a lot of women and a lot of children. You'll have to wait and see."

Gareth's POV:

We came up to the gates of Terminus, Ally stood in amazement as me and Alex stood back, allowing her to walk in first. She shook her head, "I'm not going in through there." She said, following the gates of Terminus around the forest.

"There's no other way in." I replied as me and Alex stood in confusion but she continued to follow the gates.

"I'll make one." She replied. Me and Alex followed after her until she came to a stop. "Here." She stated, climbing over the gates.

"Stop being stupid and just walk through the normal way." I said.

"I'm not trusting you guys," She replied, "I want to see your group before they see me." She said as she landed on the other side of the fence.

"I guess we know who her group is." I mumbled sarcastically to Alex, referring to a couple of people who decided to come over the gates not too long ago. Alex silently laughed at my statement. We threw over our bags of supplies and weapons we had from the run and continued over the fence.



Hey! Please let me know what you think of this and if you like it let me know and I'll continue it:)

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