
18 1 1

"Tatsu, pleeeeease!" 


"Oh, come on! Don't make me start!" 


"Alright, fine! I started walking around without any shoes. It became sort of a Hobbit."

"Oh dear Kami."

I glanced over at Etsuko, who had turned to pick up a strawberry from the fruit basket on the kitchen counter. "'911, what's your emergency?'" She asked in a deep voice. She cleared her throat. "Yes, hello. I'd like to report a strobberry."

"Okay, okay! We'll go to the anime convention! Just, please warn me ahead of time next time, okay?" I asked in a strained voice, to which the cheery girl replied with, "Woohoo! You got yourself a deal, Tatsu-chan!" 

After packing a weekend’s worth of clothing along with my computer and chargers into my black messenger bag, Etsuko dragged me to the car and pushed me into the driver's seat, jumping up and down. Rolling my eyes, I tossed my bag in the back of the car, alongside Etsuko’s silvery-chrome briefcase (It was the aftermath of her extreme obsession with Tokyo Ghoul) as she screeched with excitement. "Start the car! Start the car!" She squealed. With another roll of my eyes and a laugh, I complied.

As much as I would have liked to say it was a quiet car ride, it was the complete opposite; After all, anything that has to do with Etsuko could never be anything but loud and obnoxious.

"Heeeey, Tatsu! Guess what?"

"What now, baka?" I asked with a laugh as we backed out of the driveway. “Did you know that without geometry, life is pointless?” Etsuko’s bright grin morphed into a smirk as she noticed my horrified expression. 

“Oh, lord,” I groaned, “Is this all you’re going to do for this entire car ride?!” Etsuko’s multicolored deep blue and purple eyes sparkled as she gave a happy reply, “Yup, pretty much!” The imaginary sparkles surrounding Etsuko’s face were so prominent that I could practically see them.

Resisting the temptation to slam my face into the car wheel and/or strangle my best friend, I made a hard-left turn and nearly ran a stoplight before finally arriving in a fancy parking lot in front of an even more elegant hotel. 

“We’re here, 'Suko!” I pulled myself out of the gray SUV, more than happy to be through with that hellish drive. “YEESSSSS!” Etsuko came bouncing out of the large vehicle, and sprinted to the trunk. Sliding out her own briefcase, she tossed me my messenger bag before asking in her usual tone of voice, “Do you want to change into cosplays?” 

I raised an eyebrow, “I didn’t pack a cosplay…” I looked up at Etsuko and saw the devious light glinting in her eyes, sending a cold shiver down my spine. ‘Oh no...’ 

Forty minutes later I was dressed as a feminine version of Light Yagami, alongside Etsuko who looked like Fem!L… We were certainly a sight to see… 

Etsuko was dressed in a white, longsleeve, baggy shirt along with a long and ugly, above-knee-length, old, green skirt. She donned worn black tennis shoes to finish the look. She spiked the ends of her already-black short hair with hair gel, making it look more anime-like. With some pale makeup to touch up her already-pale skin and some darker makeup beneath the eyes to make it appear that she hadn’t slept for days, she looked identical to L’s feminine form. Me, on the other hand, had to do a little more work in order to make myself look like Light. 

I spray-painted my hair with the cheap kind of spray-dye you could buy from the nearest Wal-Mart to give it a darker color, then applied foundation, a light amount of blush, and a tiny bit of mascara to give me more color than my friend beside me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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