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Chapter 1
Frisk awoke slowly,
and opened her eyes,
"F-flowers?" She thought as she looked at her surroundings.
She was laying on a pile of dead shriveled once gold now gray flowers
"Where am I?"
She thought
slowly sitting then standing up.
She was filled with a strong sense that this had happened before...
"But why?"
She wondered
She walked through a long tunnel that was ahead of her then through an old ruin like opening with crumbling pillars on each side
She walked through and suddenly got a flash back
"You know what's going on here,
Don't you?
You just wanted to see me suffer,
now lightheaded
Frisk shook it off and kept walking.
The whole place was broken the ceiling barely held up and there was broken stones and pieces of pillars everywhere.
"What happened to this place?"
She couldn't get that thought out her head
She suddenly came across a dummy.
"We do not want to hurt anybody,
Do we..?"
Came the flashback.
Why were these coming to her?
She sighed
walking, and turning many corners and going through many hallways until she came across a particular long hallway.
She got another flashback
"Greetings, my child.
do not worry, i did not leave you.
i was merely behind this pillar the whole time,
Thank you for trusting me..."
Why was This so familiar?
After a few more minutes of walking she came upon a house.
She knocked but no one answered
so she opened it and walked in.
There was a staircase leading down in front of her,
A hallway to her right,
And a living room and
kitchen to her left.
Frisk decided on the kitchen.
And as She headed to it and noticed a a table in the far left corner
And there was
An empty slightly cracked plate on it
And It was old and collecting dust.
And set neatly next to,
it was a closed book,

With a pair of reading glasses folded and sat neatly on top.
Frisk moved into into the kitchen,
Everything in this house seemed untouched and unbroken.
She walked out,
walked into the hallway and entered the first room.
There was a bed a dresser and a few other things In the room
Frisk was getting a headache and was tired she wanted to sleep.
So She laid in the bed that was there and fell asleep,
But was suddenly awoken...

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