Siter love part 1

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Once upon a time lived two sisters. One was 14 years old .Her name was Phoebe and  she had a little sister who  was 10 .Her name was Rosi .Phoebe was always on her phone in bed .When her sister wanted  to play with her .Every day phoebe locked her self in her room and Rosi begged all the time asking if she could open the door .

After 1 year Rosi nearly never saw  her sister but one day their parents forced her to get out of her room .So Rosi could see her sister every day but phoebe never played and continued to be horrible to Rosi. After a week Rosi  decided  to take her revenge. But she wanted  to be mean to her every day like what phoebe did to her .So she planned on a big piece of paper.She planned stuff that she would do for everyday of the week.

Monday : putting dirt in her soup  and she will eat it without looking because she would be on her phone.

Tuesday : messing her room up .

Wednesday : hiding her phone .

Thursday: going on her phone and messing everything up .

Friday: hiding in her room and scaring her.

Saturday : stealing her clothes when phoebe is in the shower.

Sunday : tickle her feet in the night (she will think it's a ghost.)

When Rosi had put dirt in the soup, Phoebe did drink it. It was sooooo funny  and the whole rest of the week she had diahoria hahaha and when she had messed her room up phoebe said, "ROSI!!! GET OUT OF MY ROOM AND CLOSE THE DOOR !!!"   Then she saw and she was disgusted. When she had  hidden her phone she was literally panicking all day and then she found it in the fridge. When Rosi went on phoebe's phone (when Phoebe was jogging) and messed everything up and then phoebe came back from her jog and hit her sister and her mummy said, "Phoebe do not do that to your sister. You are punished now. You are  not allowed on your phone until tomorrow." Phoebe said, "but it was ...," " I don't care what it was go in your room and i'm taking that  phone of you now !!!" When Rosi hid in her room and scared phoebe, she screamed really loud like, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Then on Saturday, when she took Phoebe clothes away from her in the shower, Phoebe walked everywhere in the house and the garden naked until she found it under the trampoline .Oh and when Rosi  tickled Phoebe's feet she was screaming again and turned the light off and thought it was a ghost because Rosi was hiding under her bed. 

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