Chapter 1

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It was actually a pretty good last day of 11th grade before I was called to the office. I remember hearing "Tamara Lockman come to the office immediately" booming over the announcements at 2:47pm. I looked to my best friend Jace McGraw in confusion. He was equally puzzled considering I was nearly a perfect student.

Slowly I rose out of my seat ignoring the turned heads and began to walk to the office. The knot in my stomach grew with every last second. What happened that is so important? Was it my dad? No that's not possible, he was fine this morning when I left for school. His cancer had been getting less aggressive and he was finally getting better.

I pushed my auburn hair out of my brown eyes and started to walk faster down the hall. My steps echoed in the empty space. Teachers voices came and went as I passed their classes. One more corner and there was the office. As I opened the glass door I saw the secretary on the phone with a concerned look on her face. Mr. Walker the principal stood shadowing the secretary. In a yellow chair against the grey brick walls sat the school counsellor Miss Hart.

This is bad. This is very, very bad. I had a gut feeling something was wrong now.

All their heads swivelled in my direction. I looked between their faces one by one. Each had pity and sadness in their eyes. I continued to the front desk trying to keep a calm composer.

"Is everything okay? What happened? Did I do something?" I questioned, pressing my hands to my sides to prevent them shaking.

"Hold on a moment, there's somebody on the phone for you." Mr. Walker reassured in his deep voice. He nodded to the secretary and she passed me the phone. A familiar voice greeted me.

" Hello Tamara, I have some unfortunate news for you." Dr. Bauer said sorrowfully. I swallowed hard preparing myself. "Your father came in today around lunch saying he wasn't feeling well." he paused. "We ran a few tests and turned out his cancer traveled to his heart. After hearing the news he fainted. Which normally we don't have a problem handling but then he started to seize. We put him in a room and treated him accordingly." Dr. Bauer paused again as if he was trying to find the words. "He was doing well until an hour ago when his heart slowed. We monitored him carefully and closely. Then your father suffered from a heart attack." he stopped. I waited for the rest with tears burning my eyes. "Tamara I'm sorry to say but your father died."

I dropped the phone leaving it dangling from the desk and ran from the room. Mr. Walker shouted for me to wait but I was already gone. My feet pounded the floor. I was headed for the doors to outside. I needed air.

Where might a distressed teenager go after learning about her fathers death you ask? My favourite diner The Bluenose Dolphin. Where they serve the best chocolate milkshakes in Vancouver B.C.

I ordered a milkshake and processed what happened. I felt too numb to cry or even to frown. My dad was like my best friend. My mom left when I was two so I didn't know her too well. That also made my dad a single father bound to raise me on his own. But also because of that we bonded and stuck together. His diagnosis was only five months ago. I knew it might get bad but I never thought it would end like this.

Now here I am an orphan at 16. Where the fuck am I supposed to go now? I rested my forehead on the table and just sat there in silence.

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