Love at first sight.

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    Draco was frantically running. He was hungry.  He needed a quick bite to eat. There was not a single thing he could find. He had looked everywhere, but there was nothing. Not even a crumb. He returned to his Slytherin common rooms, and sat defeated. 

    Draco has sat there for hours. Staring at the floor, he could not think straight. He finally got it. Draco needed an apple! But not just any apple. A beautiful, juicy, plump, green apple. There's a problem, where would he find, a beautiful apple just like the one he has imagined. He will have to search. Draco headed up to the room, and lay in his own bed to drown in his thoughts. 

    Not realizing how much time has passed, he was shook awake by Goyle, for he has fallen asleep in his deep thought. 

   " I need to find it-- " Draco spat.

   " Find wot? " 

   " Apple. " Draco stood up and ran out of the rooms, past the common room, and out to search. This will be a frantic search, he needs that apple, and soon. He ran outside, to find a tree. 

    The tree was a large tree, standing tall. It had red apples spotting the branches, but no green ones. Or so Draco thought. He had sat under the tree starting to sob for he could not find a singular apple. This was the hardest he sobbed in weeks. Draco took in deep breathes trying to calm down, and as he dipped his head into his hands something hit him on the back of his neck.

   " Ow! Bloody Hell. " He looked to his left, seeing the juiciest, plumpest, most beautiful green apple. He gasped picking it up. At last! He has found his true love! He rubbed it on his cloak, getting the dirt off of it. He just couldn't believe his eyes, it can't be true. He pinched himself. It was real for sure. He took another look at the apple, but then got stopped by realizing he was late to Hagrid's class. He started running, pocketing the gorgeous apple. He ran to where class would take place. Seeing Buckbeak first thing. Hagrid noticed him and nodded, telling him to stand with the others.

   A little bit of time passed, Harry was close to returning to class soon from his ride with Buckbeak. Harry got off the hippogriff and walked over to Hagrid, talking to him. Draco pulled the apple out of his pocket and took a bite. Oh it was so delicious. To bad he was about to lose his true love. He walked over to Buckbeak,

    " Oh it can't be that hard! " He walked to fast towards it with tons of confidence, soon getting knocked to the ground with a deep gash on his arm. 

   " Its killed me! Its killed meH! " The apple rolled out of his pocket and got left behind as Hagrid took him into the hospital ward. 

He woke up, no one around him besides Madam Pomfrey. It was not a great sight to see, for it was not his apple. He sat up quickly, his scratches on his arm in small amount of pain. 

" Where is it?! " He blurted,

" Where is what my dear? " Madam Pomfrey asked,

" My apple! My delicious apple! " He got up, ignoring the pain and Madam Pomfrey telling him to stop. He ran out of the castle and ran towards the last spot his apple was spotted. It was no where to be seen. It wasn't where it was supposed to be. Could it have been kicked out into the grass. Draco has to find it. He has to find it before its all old and rotten, no longer beautiful. 

" No-- No-- Bloody hell-- bloody hell-- I have to find it. I have to give it the proper end-- A beautiful apple deserves the best. " He wandered off of the spot that he had dropped it, and searched. He searched in the green grass. Around the trees. Draco could not find his apple.

" I bet the hippogriff took it. Of course it would, or maybe someone stole it. " He said as he sped towards Hagrids hut.  Hagrid is oblivious to what hell Draco is about to put him through. 

Draco came up to him in his garden,

" Where is my apple?! " 

" Wot apple? I haven't seen an apple today besides earlier in class. " Draco squinted at him,

" Where is that apple now. " 

" It must be gone by now. Swallowed up by some creature. Or kicked way off the path. Or someone was hungry enough to take it back to the castle to eat. " 










To be continued. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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