Potions and showers

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Hermione has been asked by Severus to brew a batch of Amortentia for his deliveries as he had other duties that he needed to attend to, that was six months ago. So here she stood in his private lab brewing his regular batch of Amortentia for the week ahead. Hermione was exasperated that he hadn't offered or asked her to become his assistant, especially since he's been fucking her for the past year.

Focusing back on the task at hand, she stirred the potion counter clockwise and watched the liquid turn a nice vibrant purple.

"I don't think it's suppose to do that" muttering to herself.

"Do what dear?" Severus slammed the door open nearly knocking it off the hinges, startling her as he and Lucius entered the room.

Hermione's eyes widened as the purple liquid began to bubble and froth over the edges of the pewter cauldron. Slamming the door quickly so the room was sealed and no fumes or liquid could escape. The cauldron had exploded all over them. Peeling his cloak off dropping it to the floor "we need to clean this up Lucius, quickly." He barked noticing the hungry look in Lucius' eyes watching Hermione.

Severus casted a charm vanishing the rest of the potion from the room.
"Severus, what's happening?" Hermione questioned starting to feel all hot and bothered and feeling slightly turned on by Lucius.

"Shit, both of you in the shower now." He commanded glancing at the two, well this wasn't how the day was supposed to go.

Hermione was writhing in the shower as the cold water cascaded over her naked body. She felt aroused. "This isn't working you two!"

"No, it's not." Lucius panted as he ran his hands over Hermione's body.

"You're making this difficult, the pair of you!" He growled trying to ignore his hard cock pressing against his trousers.

"Join us, Severus", Hermione held her hand out to him as she was being devoured by an insatiable Lucius.

Groaning with pleasure Lucius thrust up into her wet folds, Hermione has been screaming with pleasure when Lucius orgasmed hard inside her. Coming down from her high, trying to control her breathing, when she had been hauled over Severus' shoulder "ready for round two?" He purred. "I thought the bed maybe more comfortable for a night full of fucking."

"Ooh, Lucius are you coming darling?"

Lucius managed to push himself from the tiled floor, following the pair to the bedroom.

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