The Bet

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~ Marinette's POV~

"Look out!" Adrien slammed into Marinette. Her shoulder hit against the hard concrete near the Louvre as a bright light streamed where they had been standing just a few seconds before. Now it was a pile of rubble. The akuma missed just barely.

"I'm sorry Marinette, but I can't. I have to go." He stood quickly and ran into the Louvre. The glass pyramid mocking her as she ran in the opposite direction to find a place to transform.

Her shoulder still emitted a dull ache and she was forcing her tears not to fall as she arrived at the scene. Her yoyo in hand and Chat Noir in the distance, she prepared to fight even after being rejected.

~ Chat's POV ~

The fight was longer than usual. Ladybug wasn't acting like her usual self and her throws were weaker than they normally were. He longed to ask her about it but he had to wait for her to de-evilize the Akuma before talking without disruptions. Once the white butterfly was flapping away, he went over to pound it, but instead of returning the fist bump, Ladybug turned to leave.

"My Lady, is something wrong?" He lowered his fist and stepped closer. She sniffled and turned to look at him. She nodded her head. He opened his arms and closed the distance between them, enveloping her in a hug. He ignored the sparks that burned at every point of contact and focused on making sure his lady felt better. "Can you talk to me?"

"It's personal. My identity-"

"I understand." He was about to let go when she pulled him closer. He didn't mind but it was unlike her to stay this long after a battle.

"Isn't now when you should make a pun, Kitty?" She sniffled again and pulled back so she could look at him.

"My lady, I can tell you aren't feline well." A smirk crept upon his face as her face changed with recognition. She flicked his bell.

"You are insufferable."

"I'm just trying to cheer up my furend." Instead of reacting like how he thought she would, her eyes became glassy again and a tear escaped. He brushed it away with his leather claw and pulled her back into a tight embrace. "Don't cry Bugaboo."

She let out a shuddered breath and fell limp in his arms. "He rejected me."

Chat stiffened at her words and realization dawned on him. She liked another boy which is the reason he was always rejected. Now, once she got up the courage to say something to the mystery boy he shot her down. Chat's blood began to boil. "Who?" He didn't mean for it to come out so strangled and mean.

"I have already said too much Chaton. Besides, I don't need you getting hurt on my behalf." She broke away and he felt cold without her. He just nodded sullenly and she zipped away. Leaving him with a hollow heart.

~ Marinette's POV ~

Marinette made it back home just in time to finish her homework before patrol.

"Why does Hawkmoth have to have akumas so close to patrol?" She whispered to herself.

"It's ok Marinette." Tikki's voice cut through her thoughts. "At least you were able to finish your homework."

"You're right Tikki. Let's go."

Ladybug made it to Notre Dame with a basket of assorted sweets in one hand. It slowed her down, and she noticed Chat Noir had gotten there before her. As she landed next to him, he handed her a rose.

"Happy anniversary, my lady." A slight blush crept upon his face. She sat down and he followed. She opened the basket and set it between them, removing a peanut butter and chocolate chip cookie. His eyes widened with delight. "Bugaboo? Did you make these for me?" He removed a double chocolate one and ate it in one bite then reached for another.

"Slow down Chaton, and yes, I made them."

They talked and ate while admiring the sunset and the growing darkness.

"Do you want to play a game?" Chat asked.

"What kind?"

He took out a salted caramel cookie and put the edge into his mouth, then turned to Ladybug.

"Aren't you supposed to play that game with Pocky?"

Chat Noir just shrugged. As much as she thought this was a bad idea, she didn't want to hurt Chat's feelings and didn't like to turn down a challenge. She leaned closer and her face grew hot. She noticed his cheeks go pink under his mask as well. They were inches away now when she reached her hand up to his mouth and removed the cookie. His face fell as she broke it in half and ate one side while handing back the other. He bit it reluctantly with ears drooped. Then when he wasn't expecting it she gave him a peck on the cheek.

"It's hardly fun when it's not Pocky so I decided to change a few rules." She smirked up at his red face.

"You surely know how to make me feel like a winner, Ladybug." He leaned closer. "Give me a chance. Let me take you on a date."

She put a finger to his chest and pushed him away. "Chat, I don't think-"

"If you still feel nothing afterward, I will stop flirting with you. I won't confess to you anymore."

She thought about his words for a moment. "I don't want you to change who you are, Chaton. You're my silly kitty. I don't want you to think you have to change to make me happy." Without thinking, she ran a hand through his hair. His eyes closed and his head leaned into her hand.

"You have no idea what your words do to me."

"How about three?" She ran a hand through his hair again absentmindedly.

"Three what?" His voice was airy and blissful.

"You get to take me on three dates. One for each year we have been friends."

His eyes popped open. "Seriously? But why?"

"You make me laugh, you always put me first, and I trust you, Kitty."

"What if I do this?" He flopped his head into her lap and she continued petting his hair. A quiet purr sounded.

"I would call you a dork and silently admire how much I cherish you."

"Thank you, Ladybug."

"Don't thank me yet, Chaton."

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