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Redheads who try to flush people down the toilet belong in Hell. Or maybe this one deserves a second chance, she did bring me someone interesting. A boy, young and small, who picks me up and looks me over before putting me in his bag and walking away.

It's awhile before he pulls me out, looks like night time, and places me on a desk. He picks up a quill and starts to write:

HP: Hello, my name is Harry. What's yours?

TMR: My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. How did you come across my diary?

HP: I found it in the girls bathroom. Someone had thrown it away.

TMR: It's nice to meet you Harry. Thank you for saving me. I could have drowned after all.

Suddenly he looks away and slams the book closed. Hiding me in a bag. I hear whispers, him and someone else, a friend.

He pulls me out again the next night and asks me about the Chamber of Secrets:

TMR: I don't know much. Except, a boy named Hagrid had been arrested for the killings. Does that help?

HP: Yes... are you sure... Hagrid doesn't seem like he could hurt anyone.

I don't say anything and neither does he for a few minutes. Then he writes good bye and closes the book. I hear rustling before light breathing. I smile as a new idea comes to mind.

Harry opens the book a few more times that week and I learn he's much more like me than I thought and for the first time I feel a protective sense for him. No one will hurt him ever again, and the girl will help me.

And she does when she steals me back, let's me back inside her mind. She becomes especially helpful when she leads Harry into the Chamber at the end of the school year.

I watch as he runs into the room covered from head to toe in dust. Frown as he kneels next to the girl and shakes her in fear. Begging her to wake. He drops his wand in his panic and I silently take it. I shoot a sleeping spell at him and watch as he slumps over. I pick him up and walk away as I feel the last bit of energy leave the girl and enter me.

With her dead and Harry asleep I apparate to outside the old Riddle manor. I head into to the decrepit house and lay Harry on the old moldy couch. Using his wand I set up rudimentary wards to keep him safe before heading out to get rid of the old groundskeeper.

With the groundskeeper gone and no chance of Harry being found and hurt, or waking up, I apparate to outside the Leaky Cauldron and head into Gringotts. Looking much the same as when I was first alive I head to one of the goblin tellers and ask for an inheritance test. The goblin sneers bit brings me to a back room anyway.

The room is filled gems, gold, and weapons hung on the wall. In front of me is a wooden desk with a goblin sitting behind it. I sit on the other side of it and watch as he pulls out a golden bowl, piece of parchment, and a simple silver blade with gems in the hilt.

He moves the bowl and knife towards and tells me to prick my finger and let seven drops of blood fall into the bowl. I do this and watch as the blood falls, counting to seven before healing my wound.

Then the goblin pulls out a potion and using the knife mixes it with my blood. When done he smears the mixture on the parchment and we watch as words appear:

Name: Tom Marvolo Riddle
Father: Tom Riddle Sr. (Deceased)
Mother: Merope Gaunt (Deceased)

Gaunt (Lordship)
Slytherin (Lordship)
Peverell (Lordship)

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