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"David fetch!" On that day mum took me and our dog to the park on a school evening. The sky was painted pink, and the winds were calm. It was only us and a few other families. School had finished early that day. 

"Time to go, honey, do you see David anywhere?" "no mum, I threw him the ball but he should be back now lemme check". "David! David!" I don't hear his barks. Something rolled over to my feet. It was the ball I threw for him to fetch. I began advancing towards the direction the ball rolled from; at that moment I wish I hadn't.

 I wished school finished late; I wished I'd never asked my mom to go to the park; I wished I'd never thrown the ball, but it was already too late. In front of me was David being eating alive by what I could only describe as a monster. Black pupils with black sclera, muddy red fur, yellow bloody canines deep in my best friend's stomach, it looked like a wolf but no wolf was that big it looked over 5 feet tall hunched over tearing into our 4-year-old golden retriever, I couldn't scream, I could only watch. Then it rose its head and looked at me and stood on its hind legs, that was when I let out a shriek, spooked it ran away. 

I fell to my knees next to what was left of David. I could hear my mum calling out to me in the distance, "Talia! Talia! where are you?!" "Talia!" her voice getting louder showing she was close. That's when she found me crying over David's remains. That became the day I would never forget no matter how much I tried. 

The next year we moved, to Loracre a city 4 hours away from our town Brightcastle and never looked back. Till this day I don't know what I saw and I don't know if I want to.

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