The Past Should Stay Dead

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      "In and out" I tell myself to breathe as my dads grip tightens around my wrist and he throws my to the floor . He advances towards my older brother. Randy stood firm he had a stern look on his face, but I can see right through that...he was scared, scared beyond belief. I just prayed Steven (Our dad) couldn't see it. I would hate to give him any more power than he already has over us.  

      Steven raised his fist to swing at my brother and Randy, his face already bruised and beaten enough raised his arms to his face to block it. "RANDY" I cried out but that was all I could do before it all went black. 

    I hadn't always had fainting spells, when our mom Lucy was alive I was around the age of 5, Randy being a year older than me he was 6. I didn't ever have issues with it. We had the perfect suburban family of four.  Until the day it wasn't.  Randy and I were playing in our front yard, our mother gardening. Well, to save you the grief my brother let a ball go out in the street and chased after mom ran out to stop him and....dead on impact. She had just enough time to push Randy out of the way. 

      Dad let go of himself drinking, forgetting to shower, or even raise us kids. Randy has always been there for me he never stopped loving me...until the day that asshole came into town. I never thought a little 13 year old boy would ruin my life and HUNDREDS of others. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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