on the run

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I'm sauntering down a long and narrow street with only the occasional street lamps lighting up patches of the road. It feels like i am floating and at any second i could push off with my feet, soar into the dark azure sky out of this small town and never look back. My memory seems so distant and my blank mind ponders over the possibilities of my path. I feel a breeze on the back of my neck. My head springs back with surprise but nothing stands behind me except my own thoughts spinning around the area surrounding me.The crisp air nips at my face but I shake off the feeling and my mind traces back to my earlier memories. They want me; I have been on the run for a little over four months now. The earth, which has been a war zone ever since the virus broke out, is a ghost town. My house, which is my safe place, is where I've been hiding too scared to go anywhere else. I want to go crying and screaming to my parents, but they are not there. Over the course of a year, eighty-seven percent and still counting of the world's population died; including my parents. There is no cure. Sometimes I think I'm the last human on earth. I know this is not true because why me? A sixteen year old girl who doesn't know a thing about the outside world. I got to watch the world crumble down around me and die bringing everyone down with it right in front of me in the blink of an eye, or atleast what felt like it. Sometimes I wonder if it was harder to die, or harder to be the few who survived.

When this whole thing started and the human population started to plummet, scientists started testing the healthiest humans to see why this virus wasn't affecting them. What they don't know is I already know the answer to that question; my blood. My blood and whoever else has it makes us immune to the virus that was released into this world. These scientists have been searching this world for people with this blood and using it for themselves. This is why I've been in hiding. The same thing that protects me is the same reason I'm in danger.

A deafening snap sounds in the distance sending a boom through my ears like a drum. They've found me. My legs bolt into full force, oxygen runs through my lungs and the gravel crunches under my sore feet with adrenaline kicking into my system. I hear another ring and the wind is knocked out of me as I fly through the air and land on the rough ground beneath me, everything goes silent. A sharp pain shoots up my thigh like a lightning bolt. I look up to see a dark figure towering over top of me holding his hand out gesturing to help me. A strong hand pulls me up and I look into a boy's face with bright mint eyes that someone could get lost in very easily. The warmth of his body close to mine and the genuine concern in his expression makes me forget what I'm running from. The world crumbles beneath me as everything spins down and a flash of light quickly blinds my vision. The big hand on my back supporting my limp body pushes me forward and everything goes dark.

My heavy eyes open to find my body in a bed with a heavy quilt lying over top of me. I look down discovering my small leg has been bandaged from where the bullet broke my skin open and tore into my leg. My eyes shift around the small room with my mind scrambling to find information I'm missing and trying to link together as to why I'm here. A click sounds to my right as a handle shifts and a built body walks into the room carrying a cup of water and a piece of bread.

"I thought you would be hungry," A dark curly haired boy around my age said with a deep voice.

"Who are you and why am I here," I say with a crackly voice since I haven't spoken to someone in what seems like forever.

"Thank you would be nice, I saved your life. Ya know your a brave girl being out in the open like that by yourself"

I throw the blankets off me and sprint to the opening in the room but my wounded leg can't hold my body up and I go face first onto the cold floor just beside the bed. I feel my face turn red with embarrassment.

"Might not want to do that, your pretty beaten up"

My mind races trying to find an escape route. I'm a survivor and I have to keep it that way. A caring expression spreads across the boy's face with his eyes searching over my scared reaction. His stare gave me chills and made me want to melt all at once making me want to stay here forever

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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