•Character Information•

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Hello! I am Nejire Hadou (SpiritedWqves) but you can call me Marie! I will tell you a little about the reader. Fair warning in advance the Quirk and background are of my OC I use for roleplays on discord, which her name is Yami Arashi (Dark[ened] Storms). Only difference? She isn't a U.A student!! Now let's get into the descriptions, shall we


Basic information;

Name: [L/N] [F/N]
Alias: Kage, Silent Killer (by news), Darling (by Stain)
Age: 16
D.O.B: Unknown
Father: Haru [L/N]
Mother: Misaki [L/N]
Blood Type: A-Negative

Physical attributes;

Height: 4'10
Weight: 190 lbs

Body Type: petite frame, slightly busty
Distinguishing Marks: Several scars covering her body from abuse, self harm, attempted suicides, as well as training and battle scars. Her most known one is the long, deep gash going from her eyebrow to her chin.
Piercings: N/A
Tattoos: N/A

Psychological Attributes;

Mental State: Normal, slightly insane
Psychological triggers (PTSD): Aggressive yelling, slamming, drunken rage.
(More to be added!)



She tends to keep to herself and is very quiet. [Y/N] observes her opponents and those who are around her and tends to use their psychological weaknesses against them. She is also shy and modest and doesn't like to take credit, like when Stain compliments her for doing good she doesn't know how to respond and tried saying something else caused it.


[Y/N] later becomes reclusive and very shy, unable to speak correctly however she still has her feisty side and will fight until she dies for what she believes in, and still won't take shit from anyone.


† - Her CONSTANT observing nature that ended up becoming a habit helps her notice danger easily.
† - She is always singing!
(More will be added! Feel free to comment your good habits!)

† - She tends to scratch her recent cuts, causing her to bleed
† - She gets distracted easily when something catches her attention
†- She tends to do things alone out of habit of always having too so she doesn't know what "help" is.
(More will be added, feel free to comment your bad habits!)

Likes and Dislikes;

-Broken things
-Milkshakes (especially chocolate!)
-Stars, moon, and the Galaxy

-Being alone
-Being forgotten
-Too many sweets
-Being abandoned



"I am sorry, I cannot fulfill your request."

"You pathetic, worthless being."

"Tread carefully, or you'll find yourself at your end."

"The shadows are my only friends."

"Be careful, kid, or the big dogs will bite."

"There's only room here for the alphas, so step down Omega."


Fighting: 3/5
Quirk: 3/5 (day) - 4/5 (night)
Cooperativeness: 2/5
Stealth: 5/5
Hand-to-hand Combat: 3/5
Athletic Ability: 4/5



Shadow Manipulation


The user can manipulate shadows to do her/his bidding, allowing them to use it for offensive and defensive tactics. She/he can create barriers or blades with the shadows, just to list a couple of it's uses. The user can also manipulate the shadows of living beings.


The darkness is her/his greatest ally, based on the numerous shadows made by street lights. The more shadows, the stronger her/his attack can be, which makes her/him rival some of the lower level pro-heroes.


Sunlight! The user cannot create shadows, obviously which renders the Quirk almost completely useless! Along with sunlight they tend to get dizzy and lightheaded if used for long periods of time, continuous strain of the Quirk despite the first warning the ability gives them leaves to patches of memory loss that reoccurs in nightmares, which causes the insanity to settle in.



[Y/N] had a wonderful life, her family loved her and her older brother who eventually joined the Villains. At the age of 4 she got her Quirk, which was her father's. As the days dragged on her father started to slip into the abyss of his mind and she didn't know who he was anymore as he beat her daily, hoping she would eventually quit the "hero" act. He, himself, turned to the League of Villains for help as they soon kidnapped her and locked her away. Her father's beatings got worse, causing him to eventually rape the poor girl once he completely lost himself. The girl eventually lost her own emotions, fearing they would come to haunt her if she decided to release them. During her time there, her mother found her being the pro-hero she was. [Y/N] later escaped, believing she couldn't BE a hero as she hoped. She did odd jobs for Villains who needed someone killed, a store robbed. Anything, really. She later on saw the Hero Killer Stain on the news, deciding to visit him herself. Once she understood his views, she looked up to him and he even decided take her in and teach her his ways. Now this girl, going by the name "Kage" (Shadow in Japanese), stands side by side with the Hero Killer, her mind believes she belongs as a Villain but her heart believes different.

What will it take?


Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this character information chart! I know it sucks haha but it's hard thinking!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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